View all text of Subjgrp 22 [§ 1907.21 - § 1907.26]

§ 1907.23 - Designation of authority to hear challenges.

(a) Chief, Classification Management and Collaboration Group shall be responsible for the initial Agency decision in a classification challenge.

(b) Agency Release Panel (ARP). Appeals of denials of classification challenges shall be reviewed by the ARP which shall issue the final Agency decision in accordance with 1907.25(c).

(c) ARP membership: The ARP is chaired by the Chief, Information Review and Release Group and composed of the Information Review Officers from the various Directorates and the Director, Central Intelligence Agency area, as well as the representatives of the various release programs and offices. The Information and Privacy Coordinator also serves as Executive Secretary of the Panel.

[76 FR 59032, Sept. 23, 2011]