Appendix F - Appendix F to Part 651—Glossary
Army Acquisition Executive.
AAPPSOArmy Acquisition Pollution Prevention Support Office.
ACATAcquisition Category.
ACSIMAssistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management.
ADNLA-weighted day-night levels.
AQCRAir Quality Control Region.
ARArmy Regulation.
ARNGArmy National Guard.
ARSTAFArmy Staff.
ASA(AL&T)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology).
ASA(FM)Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management.
ASA(I&E)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Environment).
ASD(ISA)Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs).
CARDCost Analysis Requirements Description.
CBTDEV Combat Developer. CEQCouncil on Environmental Quality.
CERCLAComprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act.
CDNLC-Weighted Day-Night Levels.
CFRCode of Federal Regulations.
CONUSContinental United States.
CXCategorical Exclusion.
DADepartment of the Army.
DADDefense Acquisition Deskbook.
DASA(ESOH)Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health).
DCSLOGDeputy Chief of Staff for Logistics.
DCSOPSDeputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans.
DEISDraft Environmental Impact Statement.
DEPDirector of Environmental Programs.
DODDepartment of Defense.
DOPAADescription of Proposed Action and Alternatives.
DSADeputy for System Acquisition.
DTICDefense Technical Information Center.
DTLOMSDoctrine, Training, Leader Development, Organization, Materiel, and Soldier.
DUSD(IE)Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment.
EAEnvironmental Assessment.
EBSEnvironmental Baseline Studies.
ECEnvironmental Coordinator.
ECAPEnvironmental Compliance Achievement Program.
ECASEnvironmental Compliance Assessment System.
EE/CAEngineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis.
EICSEnvironmental Impact Computer System.
EIFSEconomic Impact Forecast System.
EISEnvironmental Impact Statement.
EJEnvironmental Justice.
EODExplosive Ordnance Demolition.
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency.
EPREnvironmental Program Requirements.
EQCCEnvironmental Quality Control Committee.
ESHEnvironment, Safety, and Health.
FAAFederal Aviation Administration.
FEISFinal Environmental Impact Statement.
FNSIFinding of No Significant Impact.
FRFederal Register.
FSFeasibility Study.
FTPFull-Time Permanent.
GCGeneral Counsel.
GOCOGovernment-Owned, Contractor-Operated.
GSAGeneral Services Administration.
HQDAHeadquarters, Department of the Army.
ICRMPIntegrated Cultural Resources Management Plan.
ICTIntegrated Concept Team.
INRMPIntegrated Natural Resources Management Plan.
IPTIntegrated Process Team.
ISCPInstallation Spill Contingency Plan.
ISRInstallation Status Report.
ITAMIntegrated Training Area Management.
LCEDLife Cycle Environmental Documentation.
MACOMMajor Army Command.
MATDEVMateriel Developer.
MDAMilestone Decision Authority.
MFAMateriel Fielding Agreement.
MspanMateriel Fielding Plan.
MILCONMilitary Construction.
MNSMission Needs Statement.
MOAMemorandum of Agreement.
MOUMemorandum of Understanding.
NAGPRANative American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.
NEPANational Environmental Policy Act.
NGBNational Guard Bureau.
NHPANational Historic Preservation Act.
NOANotice of Availability.
NOINotice of Intent.
NPRNational Performance Review.
NRCNuclear Regulatory Commission.
NWRNotice of Availability of Weekly Receipts (EPA).
OASD(PA)Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs.
OCLLOffice of the Chief of Legislative Liaison.
OCPAOffice of the Chief of Public Affairs.
ODEPOffice of the Director of Environmental Programs.
OFSOfficer Foundation Standards.
OGCOffice of General Counsel.
OIPTOverarching Integrated Process Team.
OMAOperations and Maintenance Army.
OMANGOperations and Maintenance Army National Guard.
OMAROperations and Maintenance Army Reserve.
OOTWOperations Other Than War.
OPSECOperations Security.
ORDOperating Requirements Document.
OSDOffice of the Secretary of Defense.
OSGOffice of the Surgeon General.
PAOPublic Affairs Officer.
PCBPolychlorinated Biphenyls.
PDEISPreliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
PEOProgram Executive Officer.
PMProgram Manager.
POCPoint of Contact.
POLPetroleum, Oils, and Lubricants.
PPBESProgram Planning and Budget Execution System.
RCRAResource Conservation and Recovery Act.
RDT&EResearch, Development, Test, and Evaluation.
RECRecord of Environmental Consideration.
RODRecord of Decision.
RONARecord of Non-Applicability.
RSCRegional Support Command.
S&TScience and Technology.
SASecretary of the Army.
SARASuperfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act.
SASOStability and Support Operations.
SOFAStatus of Forces Agreement.
SPCCPSpill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan.
TDPTechnical Data Package.
TDYTemporary Duty.
TEMPTest and Evaluation Master Plan.
TJAGThe Judge Advocate General.
TOETable of Organization Equipment.
TRADOCU.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command.
USACEU.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
USACHPPMU.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine.
USAECU.S. Army Environmental Center.
U.S.C.United States Code.
Section II—Terms Categorical ExclusionA category of actions that do not require an EA or an EIS because Department of the Army (DA) has determined that the actions do not have an individual or cumulative impact on the environment.
Environmental (or National Environmental Policy Act) AnalysisThis term, as used in this part, will include all documentation necessary to coordinate and staff analyses or present the results of the analyses to the public or decision maker.
Foreign GovernmentA government, regardless of recognition by the United States, political factions, and organizations, that exercises governmental power outside the United States.
Foreign NationsAny geographic area (land, water, and airspace) that is under the jurisdiction of one or more foreign governments. It also refers to any area under military occupation by the United States alone or jointly with any other foreign government. Includes any area that is the responsibility of an international organization of governments; also includes contiguous zones and fisheries zones of foreign nations.
Global CommonsGeographical areas outside the jurisdiction of any nation. They include the oceans outside territorial limits and Antarctica. They do not include contiguous zones and fisheries zones of foreign nations.
Headquarters, Department of the Army proponentAs the principal planner, implementer, and decision authority for a proposed action, the HQDA proponent is responsible for the substantive review of the environmental documentation and its thorough consideration in the decision-making process.
Major Federal ActionReinforces, but does not have a meaning independent of, “significantly affecting the environment,” and will be interpreted in that context. A federal proposal with “significant effects” requires an EIS, whether it is “major” or not. Conversely, a “major federal action” without “significant effects” does not necessarily require an EIS.
PreparersPersonnel from a variety of disciplines who write environmental documentation in clear and analytical prose. They are primarily responsible for the accuracy of the document.
ProponentProponent identification depends on the nature and scope of a proposed action as follows:
(1) Any Army structure may be a proponent. For instance, the installation/activity Facility Engineer (FE)/Director of Public Works becomes the proponent of installation-wide Military Construction Army (MCA) and Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Activity; Commanding General, TRADOC becomes the proponent of a change in initial entry training; and the Program Manager becomes the proponent for a major acquisition program. The proponent may or may not be the preparer.
(2) In general, the proponent is the unit, element, or organization that is responsible for initiating and/or carrying out the proposed action. The proponent has the responsibility to prepare and/or secure funding for preparation of the environmental documentation.
Significantly Affecting the EnvironmentThe significance of an action's, program's, or project's effects must be evaluated in light of its context and intensity, as defined in 40 CFR 1508.27.
Section III—Special Abbreviations and TermsThis part uses the following abbreviations, brevity codes or acronyms not contained in AR 310-50. These include use for electronic publishing media and computer terminology, as follows:
WWW World Wide Web.