View all text of Subpart G [§ 850.701 - § 850.704]

§ 850.704 - Voluntary self-disclosure.

(a) Any person who has engaged in conduct that may constitute a violation of this part may submit a voluntary self-disclosure of that conduct to the Department of the Treasury.

(b) In determining the appropriate response to any violation, the Department of the Treasury will consider the submission and the timeliness of any voluntary self-disclosure.

(c) In assessing the timeliness of a voluntary self-disclosure, the Department of the Treasury will consider whether it has learned of the conduct prior to the voluntary self-disclosure. The Department of the Treasury may consider disclosure of a violation to another government agency other than the Department of the Treasury as a voluntary self-disclosure based on a case-by-case assessment.

(d) Notwithstanding the foregoing, identification to the Department of the Treasury of conduct that may constitute a violation of this part may not be assessed to be a voluntary self-disclosure in one or more of the following circumstances:

(1) A third party has provided a prior disclosure to the Department of the Treasury of the conduct or similar conduct related to the same pattern or practice, regardless of whether the disclosing person knew of the third party's prior disclosure;

(2) The disclosure includes materially false or misleading information;

(3) The disclosure, when considered along with supplemental information timely provided by the disclosing person, is materially incomplete;

(4) The disclosure is not self-initiated, including when the disclosure results from a suggestion or order of a Federal or state agency or official;

(5) The disclosure is a response to an administrative subpoena or other inquiry from the Department of the Treasury or another government agency;

(6) The disclosure is made about the conduct of an entity by an individual in such entity without the authorization of such entity's senior management; or

(7) The filing is made pursuant to a required notification under this part, including § 850.403 or § 850.406.

(e) A voluntary self-disclosure to the Department of the Treasury must take the form of a written notice describing the conduct that may constitute a violation and each of the persons involved. A voluntary self-disclosure must include, or be followed within a reasonable period of time by, a report of sufficient detail to afford a complete understanding of the conduct that may constitute the violation. A person making a voluntary self-disclosure must respond in a timely manner to any follow-up inquiries by the Department of the Treasury.