Subpart B. Subpart B—Definitions
- § 800.201 - Aggregated data.
- § 800.202 - Anonymized data.
- § 800.203 - Business day.
- § 800.204 - Certification.
- § 800.205 - Committee; Chairperson of the Committee; Staff Chairperson.
- § 800.206 - Completion date.
- § 800.207 - Contingent equity interest.
- § 800.208 - Control.
- § 800.209 - Conversion.
- § 800.210 - Covered control transaction.
- § 800.211 - Covered investment.
- § 800.212 - Covered investment critical infrastructure.
- § 800.213 - Covered transaction.
- § 800.214 - Critical infrastructure.
- § 800.215 - Critical technologies.
- § 800.216 - Encrypted data.
- § 800.217 - Entity.
- § 800.218 - Excepted foreign state.
- § 800.219 - Excepted investor.
- § 800.220 - Foreign entity.
- § 800.221 - Foreign government.
- § 800.222 - Foreign government-controlled transaction.
- § 800.223 - Foreign national.
- § 800.224 - Foreign person.
- § 800.225 - Hold.
- § 800.226 - Identifiable data.
- § 800.227 - Investment.
- § 800.228 - Investment fund.
- § 800.229 - Involvement.
- § 800.230 - Lead agency.
- § 800.231 - Manufacture.
- § 800.232 - Material nonpublic technical information.
- § 800.233 - Minimum excepted ownership.
- § 800.234 - Own.
- § 800.235 - Parent.
- § 800.236 - Party to a transaction.
- § 800.237 - Person.
- § 800.238 - Personal identifier.
- § 800.239 - Principal place of business.
- § 800.240 - Section 721.
- § 800.241 - Sensitive personal data.
- § 800.242 - Service.
- § 800.243 - Solely for the purpose of passive investment.
- § 800.244 - Substantial interest.
- § 800.245 - Substantive decisionmaking.
- § 800.246 - Supply.
- § 800.247 - Targets or tailors.
- § 800.248 - TID U.S. business.
- § 800.249 - Transaction.
- § 800.250 - Unaffiliated TID U.S. business.
- § 800.251 - United States.
- § 800.252 - U.S. business.
- § 800.253 - U.S. national.
- § 800.254 - U.S. regulatory authorization.
- § 800.255 - Voting interest.
- § 800.256 -