View all text of Subpart G [§ 180.700 - § 180.760]

§ 180.725 - How much time do I have to contest a suspension?

(a) As a respondent, you or your representative must either send or make arrangements to appear and present the information and argument to the suspending official within 30 days after you receive the Notice of Suspension.

(b) The Federal agency taking the action considers the notice to be received by you:

(1) When delivered, if the Federal agency mails the notice to the last known street address, or five days after the agency sends it if the letter is undeliverable;

(2) When sent, if the Federal agency sends the notice by facsimile or five days after the agency sends it if the facsimile is undeliverable; or

(3) When delivered, if the Federal agency sends the notice by email or five days after the agency sends it if the email is undeliverable.