View all text of Subpart C [§ 930.300 - § 930.345]
§ 930.300 - Payment methods.
Available payment methods include:
(a) Reimbursement. Under this method, participants request reimbursement for costs incurred during a particular time period. The Department of Energy (DOE) reimburses the participant by electronic funds transfer after approval of the request by the Agreements Officer, meaning the cognizant warranted DOE or National Nuclear Security Administration official authorized to execute and administer other transaction agreements, or designee. This payment method is used for expenditure-based awards.
(b) Advance payments. Under this method, participants request advance payment based upon projections of the cash needs for the project, or for large purchases. Predetermined payment schedules may be used when the timing of the participant's needs to disburse funds can be predicted in advance with sufficient accuracy to ensure the funds are used in accordance with project objectives and schedules.
(c) Payments based on payable milestones. Under this method payments made according to a schedule established for the award that is based on accomplishment of predetermined, well-defined, observable, and verifiable measures of technical progress, outcomes, or other payable milestones. A fixed-support award must use this payment method; however, this does not preclude the use of an initial advance payment if there is no alternative to meeting immediate cash needs. Payments based on payable milestones is the preferred method of payment for an expenditure-based award if well-defined outcomes can be identified.