Subpart A. Subpart A—General Provisions
- § 38.1 - Purpose.
- § 38.2 - Applicability.
- § 38.3 - Effect on other obligations.
- § 38.4 - Definitions.
- § 38.5 - General prohibitions on discrimination.
- § 38.6 - Specific discriminatory actions prohibited on bases other than disability.
- § 38.7 - Discrimination prohibited based on sex.
- § 38.8 - Discrimination prohibited based on pregnancy.
- § 38.9 - Discrimination prohibited based on national origin, including limited English proficiency.
- § 38.10 - Harassment prohibited.
- § 38.11 - Discrimination prohibited based on citizenship status.
- § 38.12 - Discrimination prohibited based on disability.
- § 38.13 - Accessibility requirements.
- § 38.14 - Reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications for individuals with disabilities.
- § 38.15 - Communications with individuals with disabilities.
- § 38.16 - Service animals.
- § 38.17 - Mobility aids and devices.
- § 38.18 - Employment practices covered.
- § 38.19 - Intimidation and retaliation prohibited.
- § 38.20 - Administration of this part.
- § 38.21 - Interpretation of this part.
- § 38.22 - Delegation of administration and interpretation of this part.
- § 38.23 - Coordination with other agencies.
- § 38.24 - Effect on other laws and policies.