View all text of Subpart C [§ 9.21 - § 9.297]

§ 9.296 - Crystal Springs of Napa Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Crystal Springs of Napa Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Crystal Springs of Napa Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The two United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the viticultural area are titled:

(1) St. Helena, CA, 1960, revised 1993; and

(2) Calistoga, CA, 1997.

(c) Boundary. The Crystal Springs of Napa Valley viticultural area is located in Napa County, California. Within the boundary description that follows, the viticultural area encompasses all areas at or below 1,400 feet in elevation. The boundary of the Crystal Springs of Napa Valley viticultural area is as described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the St. Helena map at the intersection of Howell Mountain Road and White Cottage Road. From the beginning point, proceed southeasterly along Howell Mountain Road to its intersection with the St. Helena city limits in section 29, T8N/R5W; then

(2) Proceed west then south along the St. Helena city limits to its intersection with the 400-foot elevation contour along the western edge of section 29, T8N/R5W; then

(3) Proceed northwesterly along the 400-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the western edge of the St. Helena map, denoted by the north-south longitude line labeled as longitude 122 degrees, 30 minutes; then

(4) Proceed due north along the longitude line approximately 0.5 mile to its intersection with the 880-foot elevation contour in section 2, T8N/R6W; then

(5) Proceed northwesterly along the meandering 880-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Calistoga map, and continuing along the elevation contour (with a brief return to the St. Helena map) to its intersection with Biter Creek in the section 34, T9N/R6W, on the Calistoga map; then

(6) Proceed northerly (upstream) along Biter Creek to its intersection with the 1,400-foot elevation contour; then

(7) Proceed southeasterly along the meandering 1,400-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the St. Helena map, to the intersection of the elevation contour with White Cottage Road; then

(8) Proceed easterly along White Cottage Road for approximately 130 feet, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 83434, Oct. 16, 2024]