View all text of Subjgrp 59 [§ 18.24 - § 18.27]

§ 18.24 - Data for application.

Applications on form TTB F 5520.3 will include the following:

(a) Serial number;

(b) Name and principal business address of the applicant, and the location of the plant if different from the business address;

(c) Purpose for which filed;

(d) Information regarding proprietorship, supported by the organizational documents listed in § 18.25; and

(e) Description of each still and a statement of its maximum capacity.

Where any of the information required by this section is on file with the appropriate TTB officer, that information, if accurate and complete, may be incorporated by reference by the applicant and made a part of the application. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0006) [T.D. ATF-104, 47 FR 23921, June 2, 1982, as amended by T.D. ATF-381, 61 FR 37003, July 16, 1996; T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87937, Nov. 6, 2024]