Subjgrp 9. rules for computing credit for expenses of work incentive programs
- § 1.50A-1 - Determination of amount.
- § 1.50A-2 - Carryback and carryover of unused credit.
- § 1.50A-3 - Recomputation of credit allowed by section 40.
- § 1.50A-4 - Exceptions to the application of § 1.50A-3.
- § 1.50A-5 - Electing small business corporations.
- § 1.50A-6 - Estates and trusts.
- § 1.50A-7 - Partnerships.
- § 1.50B-1 - Definitions of WIN expenses and WIN employees.
- § 1.50B-2 - Electing small business corporations.
- § 1.50B-3 - Estates and trusts.
- § 1.50B-4 - Partnerships.
- § 1.50B-5 - Limitations with respect to certain persons.
- § 1.51-1 - Amount of credit.