View all text of Subjgrp 8 [§ 1.45-0 - § 1.50-2]
§ 1.48E-1 - Clean electricity investment credit.
(a) Overview—(1) In general. For purposes of section 46 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code), the section 48E credit (defined in paragraph (a)(10) of this section) is determined under section 48E of the Code and the section 48E regulations (defined in paragraph (a)(11) of this section). This paragraph (a) provides definitions of terms that, unless otherwise specified, apply for purposes of section 48E, the section 48E regulations, and any provision of the Code or this chapter that expressly refers to any provision of section 48E or the section 48E regulations. Paragraph (b) of this section provides rules for determining the amount of the section 48E credit for any taxable year. Paragraph (c) of this section provides rules regarding the phase-out of the section 48E credit. See § 1.48E-2 for rules relating to qualified investments in qualified facilities and energy storage technology (EST) for purposes of the section 48E credit. See § 1.48E-4 for rules of general application for the section 48E credit. See § 1.48E-5 for rules to determine greenhouse gas emissions rates for qualified facilities under section 48E.
(2) Claim. For purposes of determining a taxpayer's section 48E credit with respect to a qualified facility or EST or a credit described in section 48E(b)(3)(C), the term claim means filing a completed Form 3468, Investment Credit, or any successor form(s), or other relevant form as it relates to the credits described in section 48E(b)(3)(C), with the taxpayer's timely filed (including extensions) Federal income tax return or Federal return, as appropriate, for the taxable year in which the qualified facility or EST is placed in service, and for the taxable year in which the facility for which the credit described in section 48E(b)(3)(C) is placed in service. It includes making an election under section 6417 or 6418 of the Code and 26 CFR 1.6417-1 and 1.6418-1, respectfully, with respect to such section 48E credit on the taxpayer's filed return.
(3) Code. The term Code means the Internal Revenue Code.
(4) EST. The term EST for purposes of the section 48E credit means energy storage technology as defined in § 1.48E-2(g).
(5) kWh. The term kWh means kilowatt hours.
(6) Qualified facility. The term qualified facility for purposes of the section 48E credit has the meaning provided in § 1.48E-2(b).
(7) Qualified investment with respect to a qualified facility. The term qualified investment with respect to a qualified facility for purposes of the section 48E credit has the meaning provided in § 1.48E-2(a).
(8) Qualified investment with respect to EST. The term qualified investment with respect to EST for purposes of the section 48E credit has the meaning provided in § 1.48E-2(g)(4).
(9) Secretary. The term Secretary means the Secretary of the Treasury or their delegate.
(10) Section 48E credit. The term section 48E credit means the clean electricity investment credit determined under section 48E of the Code and the section 48E regulations.
(11) Section 48E regulations. The term section 48E regulations means this section and §§ 1.48E-2 through 1.48E-5.
(12) Waste energy recovery property (WERP). WERP is property that generates electricity solely from heat from buildings or equipment if the primary purpose of such building or equipment is not the generation of electricity. Examples of buildings or equipment the primary purpose of which is not the generation of electricity include, but are not limited to, manufacturing plants, medical care facilities, facilities on school campuses, and associated equipment.
(b) Credit amount—(1) In general. For purposes of section 46 of the Code, the section 48E credit for any taxable year is an amount equal to the applicable percentage of the qualified investment for such taxable year with respect to any qualified facility and any EST.
(2) Applicable percentage. The term applicable percentage means the base rate described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section or the alternative rate described in paragraph (b)(4) of this section. The applicable percentage may be increased as provided in section 48E(a)(3)(A) and paragraph (b)(5) of this section in the case of a qualified facility that is located in an energy community. Similarly, the applicable percentage may be increased as provided in section 48E(a)(3)(B) and paragraph (b)(6) of this section in the case of a qualified facility that satisfies the domestic content requirements.
(3) Base rate. Under section 48E(a)(2)(A)(i) and (B)(i), in the case of any qualified facility or EST that does not satisfy the requirements provided in section 48E(a)(2)(A)(ii) or (B)(ii), the applicable percentage is the base rate, which is 6 percent.
(4) Alternative rate. In the case of any qualified facility or EST that satisfies the prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements provided in section 48E(a)(2)(A)(ii) or (B)(ii), the applicable percentage is the alternative rate, which is 30 percent.
(5) Energy communities increase in credit rate—(i) In general. In the case of any qualified facility or EST that is placed in service within an energy community (as defined in section 45(b)(11)(B)), the applicable percentage under section 48E(a)(2) and paragraph (b)(2) of this section will be increased by the applicable credit rate increase described in section 48E(a)(3)(A)(ii) and paragraph (b)(5)(ii) of this section.
(ii) Applicable credit rate increase. In the case of any qualified investment with respect to a qualified facility or EST to which the base rate is applicable, the applicable credit rate increase is 2 percentage points, and with respect to any qualified investment with respect to a qualified facility or EST to which the alternative rate is applicable, the applicable credit rate increase is 10 percentage points.
(6) Domestic content increase in credit rate—(i) In general. In the case of any qualified facility or EST that satisfies the requirements of section 45(b)(9)(B) (domestic content requirement), the applicable percentage under section 48E(a)(2) and paragraph (b)(2) of this section will be increased by the applicable credit rate increase described in paragraph (b)(6)(ii) of this section.
(ii) Applicable credit rate increase. In the case of any qualified investment with respect to a qualified facility or EST to which the base rate is applicable, 2 percentage points, and with respect to any qualified investment with respect to a qualified facility or EST to which the alternative rate is applicable, 10 percentage points.
(c) Credit phase-out—(1) In general. The amount of the credit as determined under section 48E(a) and paragraph (b) of this section for any qualified facility or EST, the construction of which begins during a calendar year described in section 48E(e)(2) and paragraph (c)(2) of this section is equal to the product of—
(i) The amount of the credit determined under section 48E(a) and paragraph (b) of this section without regard to section 48E(e) and paragraph (c) of this section; multiplied by
(ii) The phase-out percentage under section 48E(e)(2) and paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(2) Phase-out percentage. The phase-out percentage under this paragraph (c)(2) is equal to—
(i) For any qualified investment with respect to any qualified facility or EST the construction of which begins during the first calendar year following the applicable year, 100 percent;
(ii) For any qualified investment with respect to any qualified facility or EST the construction of which begins during the second calendar year following the applicable year, 75 percent;
(iii) For any qualified investment with respect to any qualified facility or EST the construction of which begins during the third calendar year following the applicable year, 50 percent; and
(iv) For any qualified investment with respect to any qualified facility or EST the construction of which begins during any calendar year subsequent to the calendar year described in paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of this section, 0 percent.
(3) Applicable year. For purposes of this paragraph (c), the term applicable year has the same meaning provided under § 1.45Y-1(c)(3).
(d) Related taxpayers—(1) Definition. For purposes of the section 48E credit, the term related taxpayers means members of a group of trades or businesses that are under common control (as defined in § 1.52-1(b)).
(2) Related taxpayer rule. For purposes of the section 48E credit, related taxpayers are treated as one taxpayer in determining whether a taxpayer has made an investment in a qualified facility or EST with respect to which a section 48E credit may be determined.
(e) Applicability date. This section applies to qualified facilities and ESTs placed in service after December 31, 2024, and during a taxable year ending on or after January 15, 2025.