View all text of Subjgrp 8 [§ 1.45-0 - § 1.50-2]

§ 1.48D-4 - Advanced manufacturing facility of an eligible taxpayer.

(a) In general. This section provides definitions and rules relating to advanced manufacturing facilities of eligible taxpayers for purposes of section 48D of the Code and the section 48D regulations.

(b) Advanced manufacturing facility. For purposes of section 48D(b)(3) and this section, the term advanced manufacturing facility means a facility of an eligible taxpayer for which the primary purpose, as determined under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, is the manufacturing of semiconductors or the manufacturing of semiconductor manufacturing equipment within the meaning of § 1.48D-2.

(c) Primary purpose—(1) In general. The determination of the primary purpose of a facility will be made based on all the facts and circumstances surrounding the construction, reconstruction, or erection of the advanced manufacturing facility of an eligible taxpayer. Facts that may indicate a facility has a primary purpose of manufacturing of semiconductors or manufacturing of semiconductor manufacturing equipment include plans or other documents for the facility that demonstrate that the facility is designed for the manufacturing of semiconductors or manufacturing of semiconductor manufacturing equipment within the meaning of § 1.48D-2. Facts may also include the possession of permits or licenses needed for the manufacturing of semiconductors or manufacturing of semiconductor manufacturing equipment; and executed contracts to a customer to supply such semiconductors or executed contracts to an advanced manufacturing facility as defined in paragraph (b) of this section to supply such semiconductor manufacturing equipment in place either before or within 6 months after the facility is placed in service. A facility has the primary purpose of manufacturing of semiconductors or manufacturing of semiconductor manufacturing equipment if more than 50 percent of its potential output, as measured by cost to produce, revenue received in an arm's length transaction, or units produced, constitutes manufacturing of semiconductors or manufacturing of semiconductor manufacturing equipment within the meaning of § 1.48D-2. However, property placed in service in a taxable year must still meet the definition of qualified property under section 48D(b)(2) and § 1.48D-3 for its basis to be included as part of the qualified investment in the advanced manufacturing facility eligible for the section 48D credit. For example, property that is not integral to the operation of an advanced manufacturing facility as provided in § 1.48D-3(g) may not be included as a qualified investment in an advanced manufacturing facility.

(2) No primary purpose. A facility for which the primary purpose is the manufacturing, producing, growing, or extracting of materials or chemicals that are supplied to an advanced manufacturing facility is not a facility for which the primary purpose is the manufacturing of semiconductors or manufacturing of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Thus, for example, facilities that exclusively produce semiconductor-grade polysilicon, or produce gases, or that manufacture components or parts, to supply to an advanced manufacturing facility engaged in the manufacturing of semiconductors or manufacturing of semiconductor manufacturing equipment are not facilities for which the primary purpose is the manufacturing of semiconductors or the manufacturing of semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

(3) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules of this paragraph (c):

(i) Example 1: Primary purpose; in general. In January 2025, X Corp, a calendar-year C corporation, begins construction of a facility that will manufacture semiconductor manufacturing equipment that could be used in a facility that will engage in semiconductor fabrication (semiconductor fabrication facility). A portion of the equipment produced, however, could be used for manufacturing operations of a facility that is not engaged in semiconductor manufacturing. X Corp enters into a contract with Y Corp, which is building a semiconductor fabrication facility to be placed in service in July 2026, to supply Y Corp with equipment that is integral to semiconductor fabrication. Such equipment represents more than 50 percent of the potential output of X Corp's facility (by cost to produce such equipment) of X Corp's facility for the first year of operations. X Corp's facility will be considered as having a primary purpose of manufacturing of semiconductor manufacturing equipment for the first year of its operations.

(ii) Example 2: Primary purpose; semiconductor wafer production. X Corp, a calendar-year C corporation, is engaged in the production of solar wafers (that is, X Corp is engaged in semiconductor wafer production). In January 2025, X Corp receives the necessary permits to begin construction of a facility designed for semiconductor wafer production within the meaning of § 1.48D-2. X Corp enters into a contract to supply such wafers to an unrelated person. Such contract represents more than 50 percent of X Corp's potential output (by revenue received) for the tax year that the facility is placed in service. Because the contract to sell wafers represents more than 50 percent of X Corp's potential output (by revenue received), X Corp's facility will be considered as having a primary purpose of semiconductor wafer production within the meaning of paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

(iii) Example 3: Primary purpose; vertically integrated manufacturer. Z Corp, a C corporation, is a vertically integrated manufacturer. In January 2025, Z Corp begins construction of a facility that will produce raw materials and other consumables for use in the manufacturing of semiconductors and such facility will also engage in semiconductor wafer production and semiconductor fabrication. Z Corp enters into separate sales contracts to sell units produced from the semiconductor fabrication with a variety of unrelated companies that are engaged in semiconductor packaging. Z Corp also enters into a sales contract with A Corp to sell raw materials that it produces at the facility to A Corp. Z Corp's production of units from its semiconductor fabrication sold to companies engaged in semiconductor packaging represents more than 50 percent of the potential output (by cost) of Z Corp's facility for the first year of operations; therefore, Z Corp's facility will be considered as having a primary purpose of manufacturing of semiconductors.

(iv) Example 4: No primary purpose; vertically integrated manufacturer. Assume the same facts as in paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section (Example 3), except that Z Corp's production of such raw materials represents more than 50 percent of the potential output of Z Corp's facility for the first year of operations. Z Corp's facility will not be considered as having a primary purpose of manufacturing of semiconductors.

(d) Applicability date. This section applies to property that is placed in service after December 31, 2022, and during a taxable year ending on or October 23, 2024.

[T.D. 10009, 89 FR 84752, Oct. 23, 2024]