View all text of Subjgrp 8 [§ 1.45-0 - § 1.50-2]
§ 1.45Z-3 - Rules relating to the increased credit amount for prevailing wage and apprenticeship.
(a) In general. If any qualified facility (as defined in section 45Z(d)(4)) satisfies the requirements in paragraph (b) of this section, the applicable amount used to calculate the clean fuel production credit determined under section 45Z(a) is the alternative amount described in section 45Z(a)(2)(B) or 45Z(a)(3)(A)(ii), as applicable, subject to the inflation adjustment provided by section 45Z(c).
(b) Qualified facility for clean fuel production requirements. A qualified facility (as defined in section 45Z(d)(4)) satisfies the requirements of this paragraph (b) if it is one of the following—
(1) A qualified facility that is placed in service after December 31, 2024, that meets the prevailing wage requirements of section 45(b)(7) and § 1.45-7, the apprenticeship requirements of section 45(b)(8) and § 1.45-8, and the recordkeeping and reporting requirements of § 1.45-12 with respect to the construction, alteration, or repair of such qualified facility; or
(2) A qualified facility that is placed in service before January 1, 2025, that meets the prevailing wage requirements of section 45(b)(7) and § 1.45-7 with respect to any alteration or repair of such qualified facility that is performed in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2024, the apprenticeship requirements of section 45(b)(8) and § 1.45-8 with respect to the construction of such qualified facility, and the recordkeeping and reporting requirements of § 1.45-12.
(3) Special transition rule for facilities placed in service before January 1, 2025. Solely for purposes of the apprenticeship requirements of section 45(b)(8) and § 1.45-8, taxpayers that place a qualified facility in service before January 1, 2025, must satisfy the apprenticeship requirements with respect to construction of the facility that occurs 90 days after June 25, 2024.
(c) Applicability date. This section applies to qualified facilities for clean fuel production placed in service in taxable years ending after June 25, 2024, and the construction of which begins after June 25, 2024. Taxpayers may apply this section to qualified facilities for clean fuel production placed in service in taxable years ending on or before June 25, 2024, and qualified facilities for clean fuel production placed in service in taxable years ending after June 25, 2024, the construction of which begins before June 25, 2024, provided that taxpayers follow this section in its entirety and in a consistent manner.