View all text of Subjgrp 3 [§ 1.421-1 - § 1.440]

§ 1.430(h)(3)-1 - Mortality tables used to determine present value.

(a) Overview—(1) Standard mortality tables. This section sets forth rules for the mortality tables to be used in determining present value or making any computation under section 430. These mortality tables include—

(i) Generational mortality tables described in paragraph (b) of this section; and

(ii) Static mortality tables for small plans described in paragraph (c) of this section.

(2) Alternative tables—(i) Plan-specific mortality tables. In lieu of using the mortality tables provided under this section, plan-specific substitute mortality tables are permitted to be used for purposes of section 430 pursuant to section 430(h)(3)(C), provided that the requirements of § 1.430(h)(3)-2 are satisfied.

(ii) Disabled individuals. In lieu of using the mortality tables provided under this section, mortality tables for disabled individuals are permitted to be used pursuant to section 430(h)(3)(D). These tables are provided in guidance published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin. See § 601.601(d) of this chapter.

(3) Individuals not identified as either male or female. The mortality tables in this section are applied for an individual based on the individual's gender. With respect to the portion of a plan's population for which male or female gender is not identified (for example, because an individual identifies as nonbinary or because the gender information for an individual is not available), the plan's actuary must use a reasonable approach for determining liability. Some reasonable approaches for these individuals include—

(i) Determining the liability for an individual for whom male or female gender is not identified as the weighted average of the liability calculated as if the individual were male and the liability calculated as if the individual were female, with an appropriate weighting that takes into account the distribution of gender for individuals in the plan's population for whom gender is identified; and

(ii) Assigning either male or female status randomly to an individual for whom male or female gender is not identified in a manner that is expected to result in an appropriate proportion of males and females for the plan's population that takes into account the distribution of gender for individuals in the plan's population for whom gender is identified.

(b) Generational mortality tables—(1) In general—(i) Construction of generational mortality tables. The generational mortality tables that are permitted to be used under section 430(h)(3)(A) and paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section are constructed from the base mortality tables described in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section and the mortality improvement rates described in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section, as adjusted in accordance with paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section.

(ii) Base mortality tables. The base mortality tables are set forth in paragraph (d) of this section.

(iii) Mortality improvement rates—(A) Mortality improvement rates for valuation dates occurring on or after January 1, 2024. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (b)(1)(iii), the mortality improvement rates for valuation dates occurring on or after January 1, 2024, are the 2024 Adjusted Scale MP-2021 Rates as incorporated by reference pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(A) of this section.

(B) [Reserved.]

(iv) Incorporation by reference. The material listed in this paragraph (b)(1)(iv) is incorporated by reference into this section with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 Cspan part 51. This material is available for inspection at the IRS and at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Contact IRS at: IRS Office of Chief Counsel, Qualified Plans Branch 1, CC:EEE:EB:QP1, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20224; (202) 317-6700; For information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit or email [email protected]. The material may be obtained from IRS:

(A) 2024 Adjusted Scale MP-2021 Rates, dated August 11, 2023.

(B) [Reserved]

(2) Application of mortality improvement rates—(i) In general. Under the generational mortality tables described in this paragraph (b), the probability of an individual's death at a particular age in the future is determined as the individual's base mortality rate that applies at that age (that is, the applicable mortality rate from the tables set forth in paragraph (d) of this section for that age, gender, and status as an annuitant or a non-annuitant) multiplied by the cumulative mortality improvement factor for the individual's gender and for that age for the period from the base year for those mortality tables through the calendar year in which the individual is projected to reach the particular age. Paragraph (b)(3) of this section provides an example that shows how the base mortality tables in paragraph (d) of this section and the mortality improvement rates for valuation dates occurring during 2024 are combined to determine projected mortality rates.

(ii) Cumulative mortality improvement factor. The cumulative mortality improvement factor for an age and gender for a period is the product of the annual mortality improvement factors for that age and gender for each year within that period.

(iii) Annual mortality improvement factor. The annual mortality improvement factor for an age and gender for a year is 1 minus the mortality improvement rate that applies for that age and gender for that year. If that annual mortality improvement rate is greater than 1 (corresponding to a negative mortality improvement rate), then the projected mortality rate for that age and gender for that year is greater than the projected mortality rate for the same age and gender for the preceding year.

(3) Example of calculation—(i) Calculation of mortality rate. The mortality rate for 2024 that is applied to a male annuitant who is age 68 in 2024 is equal to the product of the mortality rate under paragraph (d) of this section for a male annuitant who was age 68 in 2012 (0.01418) and the cumulative mortality improvement factor calculated from the 2024 Adjusted Scale MP-2021 Rates for an age 68 male from 2012 to 2024. The cumulative mortality improvement factor for age 68 males for the period from 2012 to 2024 is 0.9827, and the mortality rate for 2024 for male annuitants who are age 68 in that year is 0.01393, as shown in the following table.

Table 1 to Paragraph (b)(3)(i)

Rate of mortality
from prior year to current year
Annual mortality
(1 − mortality
improvement rate)
2012n/an/an/a0.01418 20130.00710.99290.9929 20140.00470.99530.9882 20150.00290.99710.9854 20160.00170.99830.9837 20170.00090.99910.9828 20180.00010.99990.9827 2019(0.0001)1.00010.9828 20200.00010.99990.9827 20210.00001.00000.9827 20220.00001.00000.9827 20230.00001.00000.9827 20240.00001.00000.98270.01393

(ii) Probability of survival for an individual. After the projected mortality rates are derived for each age for each year, the rates are used to calculate the present value of a benefit stream that depends on the probability of survival year-by-year. For example, for purposes of calculating the present value (for a 2024 valuation date) of future payments in a benefit stream payable for a male annuitant who is age 68 in 2024, the probability of survival for the annuitant is based on the mortality rate for a male annuitant who is age 68 in 2024 (0.01393), and the projected mortality rate for a male annuitant who will be age 69 in 2025 (0.01507), age 70 in 2026 (0.01635), and so on.

(4) Use of the tables—(i) Separate tables for annuitants and non-annuitants. Separate mortality tables are provided for use with respect to annuitants and non-annuitants. The non-annuitant mortality tables are applied to determine the probability of survival for a non-annuitant for the period before the non-annuitant is projected to commence receiving benefits. The annuitant mortality tables are applied to determine the present value of benefits for each annuitant. In addition, the annuitant mortality tables are applied for each non-annuitant with respect to each assumed commencement of benefits for the period beginning with that assumed commencement. For purposes of this section, an annuitant means a plan participant who has commenced receiving benefits and a non-annuitant means a plan participant who has not yet commenced receiving benefits (for example, an active employee or a terminated vested participant). A participant whose benefit has partially commenced is treated as an annuitant with respect to the portion of the benefit that has commenced and treated as a non-annuitant with respect to the balance of the benefit. In addition, with respect to a beneficiary of a participant, the annuitant mortality tables apply for the period beginning with each assumed commencement of benefits for the participant. If the participant has died (or to the extent the participant is assumed to die before commencing benefits), the annuitant mortality tables apply with respect to the beneficiary for the period beginning with each assumed commencement of benefits for the beneficiary.

(ii) Examples of calculation using separate non-annuitant and annuitant tables. With respect to a 45-year-old active participant who is projected to commence receiving an annuity at age 55, the funding target is determined using the non-annuitant mortality tables for the period before the participant attains age 55 and using the annuitant mortality tables for the period ages 55 and above. Similarly, for a 45-year-old terminated vested participant who is projected to commence an annuity at age 65, the funding target is determined using the non-annuitant mortality tables for the period before the participant attains age 65 and using the annuitant mortality tables for ages 65 and above.

(c) Static mortality tables—(1) Availability of alternative tables for small plans—(i) In general. As an alternative to the generational mortality tables defined in paragraph (b) of this section, static mortality tables may be used for a small plan. The static mortality tables described in this paragraph (c) are constructed from the separate non-annuitant and annuitant static mortality tables described in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, combined using the procedure described in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section.

(ii) Definition of small plan. For purposes of this paragraph (c), a small plan is defined as a plan with 500 or fewer total participants (including both active and inactive participants and beneficiaries of deceased participants) on the valuation date.

(iii) Use of static mortality tables. The static mortality tables that are used for a valuation date are the static mortality tables for the calendar year that includes the valuation date.

(iv) Publication of mortality tables. The static mortality tables for the 2024 calendar year are set forth in paragraph (e) of this section.

Note 1 to paragraph (c)(1)(iv):

The static mortality tables for valuation dates occurring in later calendar years will be published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin. See § 601.601(d) of this chapter.

(2) Development of static mortality tables—(i) Non-annuitant and annuitant mortality tables. The non-annuitant and annuitant static mortality tables are determined using the base mortality tables described in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section. The rates in those base mortality tables are adjusted using the mortality improvement rates described in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section, in accordance with the rules set forth in paragraph (c)(3) of this section.

(ii) Combined static mortality tables. The static mortality tables described in this paragraph (c) are constructed from the separate non-annuitant and annuitant static mortality tables pursuant to paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, blended using the weighting factors in paragraph (d) of this section. The weighting factors are applied to develop these combined static tables using the following equation: Combined mortality rate = [non-annuitant rate * (1 − weighting factor)] + [annuitant rate * weighting factor].

(3) Projection of mortality improvements—(i) General rule. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section, the static mortality tables for a calendar year are determined by multiplying the applicable mortality rate for each age from the base mortality tables by both—

(A) The cumulative mortality improvement factor (determined under paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section) for the period from 2012 through that calendar year; and

(B) The cumulative mortality improvement factor (determined under paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section) for the period beginning in that calendar year and continuing beyond that calendar year for the number of years in the projection period described in paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this section.

(ii) Projection period for static mortality tables—(A) In general. The projection period is 8 years for males and 9 years for females, as adjusted based on age as provided in paragraph (c)(3)(ii)(B) of this section.

(B) Age adjustment. For ages below 80, the projection period is increased by 1 year for each year below age 80. For ages above 80, the projection period is reduced (but not below zero) by 1/3 year for each year above 80.

(iii) Fractional projection periods. If for an age the number of years in the projection period determined under paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this section is not a whole number, then the mortality rate for that age is determined by using linear interpolation between—

(A) The mortality rate for that age that would be determined under paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section if the number of years in the projection period were the next lower whole number; and

(B) The mortality rate for that age that would be determined under paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section if the number of years in the projection period were the next higher whole number.

(iv) Example. For example, at age 85 the projection period for a male is 6 1/3 years (8 years minus 1/3 year for each of the 5 years above age 80). For a valuation date in 2024, the mortality rate in the static mortality table for an 85-year-old male is based on a projection of mortality improvement for 6 1/3 years beyond 2024. Under paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section, the mortality rate for an 85-year-old male annuitant in the static mortality table for 2024 is 2/3 times the projected mortality rate for a male annuitant that age in 2030 plus 1/3 times the projected mortality rate for a male annuitant that age in 2031. Accordingly, the mortality rate for an 85-year-old male annuitant in the static mortality table for 2024 is 0.08126 ( 2/3 times the projected mortality rate for an 85-year-old male annuitant in 2030 (0.08146) plus 1/3 times the projected mortality rate for an 85-year-old male annuitant in 2031 (0.08086)).

(d) Base mortality tables. The following are the base mortality tables. The base year for these tables is 2012.

Table 2 to Paragraph (d)

Age Males Females Non-annuitant Annuitant Weighting
for small
Non-annuitant Annuitant Weighting
for small
00.006500.006500.00000.005440.005440.0000 10.000450.000450.00000.000380.000380.0000 20.000300.000300.00000.000230.000230.0000 30.000220.000220.00000.000180.000180.0000 40.000190.000190.00000.000130.000130.0000 50.000160.000160.00000.000120.000120.0000 60.000140.000140.00000.000110.000110.0000 70.000130.000130.00000.000100.000100.0000 80.000110.000110.00000.000090.000090.0000 90.000090.000090.00000.000090.000090.0000 100.000080.000080.00000.000090.000090.0000 110.000090.000090.00000.000090.000090.0000 120.000130.000130.00000.000100.000100.0000 130.000170.000170.00000.000120.000120.0000 140.000220.000220.00000.000130.000130.0000 150.000280.000280.00000.000130.000130.0000 160.000340.000340.00000.000140.000140.0000 170.000400.000400.00000.000150.000150.0000 180.000460.000460.00000.000150.000150.0000 190.000530.000530.00000.000150.000150.0000 200.000560.000560.00000.000150.000150.0000 210.000560.000560.00000.000150.000150.0000 220.000560.000560.00000.000160.000160.0000 230.000550.000550.00000.000180.000180.0000 240.000550.000550.00000.000190.000190.0000 250.000540.000540.00000.000190.000190.0000 260.000540.000540.00000.000190.000190.0000 270.000540.000540.00000.000200.000200.0000 280.000540.000540.00000.000200.000200.0000 290.000540.000540.00000.000200.000200.0000 300.000550.000550.00000.000210.000210.0000 310.000550.000550.00000.000220.000220.0000 320.000560.000560.00000.000230.000230.0000 330.000580.000580.00000.000250.000250.0000 340.000590.000590.00000.000260.000260.0000 350.000610.000610.00000.000280.000280.0000 360.000630.000630.00000.000310.000310.0000 370.000650.000650.00000.000340.000340.0000 380.000680.000680.00000.000360.000360.0000 390.000710.000710.00000.000400.000400.0000 400.000740.000740.00000.000430.000430.0000 410.000770.000820.00080.000470.000490.0010 420.000810.000990.00160.000510.000610.0020 430.000860.001240.00240.000550.000780.0030 440.000910.001580.00320.000600.001010.0040 450.000970.002000.00400.000650.001300.0051 460.001050.002510.00470.000710.001650.0061 470.001130.003100.00550.000770.002060.0071 480.001230.003780.00630.000830.002520.0081 490.001340.004540.00710.000900.003040.0091 500.001470.005390.00790.000980.003620.0101 510.001610.005440.01400.001070.004260.0185 520.001770.005650.02090.001160.004950.0262 530.001940.005880.03020.001260.005000.0349 540.002130.006160.04300.001370.005120.0449 550.002340.006470.08980.001480.005170.0853 560.002570.006860.16760.001610.005220.1535 570.002810.007280.21530.001750.005280.1923 580.003080.007700.26350.001900.005610.2291 590.003380.008110.31440.002060.006010.2680 600.003690.008480.38210.002240.006430.3192 610.004030.008820.45790.002430.006900.3731 620.004410.009180.59350.002640.007430.4705 630.004810.009600.71530.002870.007960.5668 640.005250.010140.77640.003120.008590.6230 650.005730.010870.84540.003390.009280.7172 660.006360.011780.90020.003800.010030.8006 670.007060.012880.92750.004270.010890.8414 680.007840.014180.94310.004800.011920.8658 690.008700.015640.95470.005400.013090.8857 700.009670.017290.96420.006060.014440.9046 710.010730.019140.97320.006810.015970.9240 720.011920.021210.97910.007650.017700.9365 730.013230.023540.98230.008600.019670.9437 740.014690.026130.98470.009660.021920.9512 750.016320.029050.98680.010850.024450.9568 760.018120.032330.98890.012190.027270.9637 770.020120.036040.99060.013700.030420.9682 780.022340.040260.99200.015390.033910.9727 790.024800.045040.99350.017290.037750.9765 800.027540.050461.00000.019430.041981.0000 810.029890.056571.00000.021340.046631.0000 820.034600.063431.00000.025160.051781.0000 830.041660.071141.00000.030890.057541.0000 840.051080.079771.00000.038530.064011.0000 850.062850.089461.00000.048080.071321.0000 860.076980.100321.00000.059550.079541.0000 870.093460.112481.00000.072930.088791.0000 880.112290.126001.00000.088220.099361.0000 890.133480.140881.00000.105420.111241.0000 900.157030.157031.00000.124530.124531.0000 910.174010.174011.00000.138180.138181.0000 920.191510.191511.00000.152500.152501.0000 930.209360.209361.00000.167370.167371.0000 940.227420.227421.00000.182740.182741.0000 950.245690.245691.00000.198630.198631.0000 960.264150.264151.00000.215090.215091.0000 970.282810.282811.00000.232140.232141.0000 980.301690.301691.00000.249830.249831.0000 990.320770.320771.00000.268140.268141.0000 1000.339960.339961.00000.286980.286981.0000 1010.359100.359101.00000.306190.306191.0000 1020.377940.377941.00000.325490.325491.0000 1030.396330.396331.00000.344720.344721.0000 1040.414150.414151.00000.363750.363751.0000 1050.431310.431311.00000.382430.382431.0000 1060.447710.447711.00000.400650.400651.0000 1070.463290.463291.00000.418280.418281.0000 1080.478000.478001.00000.435220.435221.0000 1090.491810.491811.00000.451390.451391.0000 1100.500000.500001.00000.466730.466731.0000 1110.500000.500001.00000.481200.481201.0000 1120.500000.500001.00000.494770.494771.0000 1130.500000.500001.00000.500000.500001.0000 1140.500000.500001.00000.500000.500001.0000 1150.500000.500001.00000.500000.500001.0000 1160.500000.500001.00000.500000.500001.0000 1170.500000.500001.00000.500000.500001.0000 1180.500000.500001.00000.500000.500001.0000 1190.500000.500001.00000.500000.500001.0000 1201.000001.000001.00001.000001.000001.0000

(e) Static tables for 2024. The following static mortality tables are used pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section for determining present value or making any computation under section 430 with respect to valuation dates occurring during 2024.

Table 3 to Paragraph (e)

Age Male Female 00.003560.00306 10.000250.00022 20.000170.00013 30.000120.00010 40.000110.00008 50.000090.00007 60.000080.00007 70.000080.00006 80.000060.00005 90.000050.00005 100.000050.00006 110.000050.00006 120.000080.00006 130.000100.00008 140.000130.00008 150.000170.00008 160.000210.00009 170.000250.00010 180.000290.00010 190.000340.00010 200.000360.00010 210.000370.00010 220.000370.00011 230.000380.00013 240.000390.00014 250.000400.00014 260.000410.00015 270.000430.00016 280.000440.00016 290.000460.00017 300.000490.00018 310.000500.00019 320.000530.00021 330.000560.00023 340.000590.00024 350.000620.00026 360.000650.00029 370.000670.00031 380.000700.00032 390.000720.00035 400.000740.00037 410.000750.00039 420.000770.00041 430.000790.00043 440.000810.00045 450.000840.00048 460.000880.00051 470.000920.00055 480.000980.00059 490.001040.00064 500.001130.00070 510.001240.00080 520.001370.00090 530.001530.00101 540.001730.00115 550.002060.00138 560.002530.00170 570.002960.00195 580.003440.00225 590.003970.00258 600.004580.00299 610.005230.00343 620.006150.00409 630.007030.00478 640.007740.00537 650.008610.00619 660.009570.00707 670.010540.00786 680.011630.00871 690.012830.00968 700.014190.01082 710.015750.01217 720.017500.01368 730.019490.01540 740.021750.01742 750.024330.01975 760.027290.02240 770.030690.02540 780.034600.02878 790.039120.03254 800.044420.03715 810.050080.04158 820.056490.04650 830.063720.05202 840.071920.05823 850.081260.06527 860.091800.07337 870.103640.08255 880.116880.09305 890.131480.10480 900.147330.11790 910.164040.13141 920.181110.14547 930.198470.16007 940.215880.17495 950.233190.19020 960.251520.20655 970.270100.22354 980.288990.24127 990.308360.25965 1000.327880.27862 1010.347420.29799 1020.366720.31750 1030.385740.33705 1040.404360.35650 1050.421910.37576 1060.438970.39452 1070.455200.41279 1080.470640.43024 1090.485360.44694 1100.494480.46282 1110.495520.47794 1120.496560.49215 1130.497560.49820 1140.498700.49900 1150.499750.49980 1160.499900.49990 1170.499950.50000 1180.500000.50000 1190.500000.50000 1201.000001.00000

(f) Applicability date. This section applies for valuation dates occurring on or after January 1, 2024.

[T.D. 9983, 88 span 72361, Oct. 20, 2023]