Subjgrp 14. Taxable Fuel
- § 48.4081-1 - Taxable fuel; definitions.
- § 48.4081-2 -
- § 48.4081-3 - Taxable fuel; taxable events other than removal at the terminal rack.
- § 48.4081-4 - Gasoline; special rules for gasoline blendstocks.
- § 48.4081-5 - Taxable fuel; notification certificate of taxable fuel registrant.
- § 48.4081-6 - Gasoline; gasohol.
- § 48.4081-7 - Taxable fuel; conditions for refunds of taxable fuel tax under section 4081(e).
- § 48.4081-8 - Taxable fuel; measurement.
- § 48.4082-1 - Diesel fuel and kerosene; exemption for dyed fuel.
- § 48.4082-1T - Diesel fuel and kerosene; exemption for dyed fuel (temporary).
- § 48.4082-2 - Diesel fuel and kerosene; notice required for dyed fuel.
- § 48.4082-3 - Diesel fuel and kerosene; visual inspection devices. [Reserved]
- § 48.4082-4 - Diesel fuel and kerosene; back-up tax.
- § 48.4082-5 - Diesel fuel and kerosene; Alaska.
- § 48.4082-6 - Kerosene; exemption for aviation-grade kerosene.
- § 48.4082-7 - Kerosene; exemption for feedstock purposes.
- § 48.4083-1 - Taxable fuel; administrative authority.
- § 48.4091-3 - [Reserved]
- § 48.4101-1 - Taxable fuel; registration.
- § 48.4101-2 - Information reporting.
- § 48.4102-1 - Inspection of records by State or local tax officers.