Subpart F. Subpart F—Special Fuels
- § 48.4041-0 -
- § 48.4041-3 - Application of tax on sales of special motor fuel for use in motor vehicles and motorboats.
- § 48.4041-4 - Application of tax on sales of liquid for use as fuel in aircraft in noncommercial aviation.
- § 48.4041-5 - Sales of diesel and special motor fuels and fuel for use in aircraft; rules of general application.
- § 48.4041-6 - Application of tax on use of taxable liquid fuel.
- § 48.4041-7 - Dual use of taxable liquid fuel.
- § 48.4041-8 - Definitions.
- § 48.4041-9 - Exemption for farm use.
- § 48.4041-10 - Exemption for use as supplies for vessels or aircraft.
- § 48.4041-11 - Tax-free sales of fuel for use in noncommercial aviation only if sellers and certain purchasers are registered.
- § 48.4041-12 - Sales by United States, etc.
- § 48.4041-13 - Other credits or refunds.
- § 48.4041-14 - Exemption for sale to or use by certain aircraft museums.
- § 48.4041-15 - Sales to States or political subdivisions thereof.
- § 48.4041-16 - Sales for export.
- § 48.4041-17 - Tax-free retail sales to certain nonprofit educational organizations.
- § 48.4041-18 - [Reserved]
- § 48.4041-19 - Exemption for qualified methanol and ethanol fuel.
- § 48.4041-20 - Partially exempt methanol and ethanol fuel.
- § 48.4041-21 - Compressed natural gas (CNG).