Subpart L. Subpart L—Appeals
Appeals Other Than Emergency Reassumption and Suspension, Withholding or Delay in Payment
- SECTION § 900.150 - What decisions can an Indian tribe or tribal organization appeal under this subpart?
- SECTION § 900.151 - Are there any appeals this subpart does not cover?
- SECTION § 900.152 - How does an Indian tribe or tribal organization know where and when to file its appeal from decisions made by agencies of DOI or DHHS?
- SECTION § 900.153 - Does an Indian tribe or tribal organization have any options besides an appeal?
- SECTION § 900.154 - How does an Indian tribe or tribal organization request an informal conference?
- SECTION § 900.155 - How is an informal conference held?
- SECTION § 900.156 - What happens after the informal conference?
- SECTION § 900.157 - Is the recommended decision always final?
- SECTION § 900.158 - How does an Indian tribe or tribal organization appeal the initial decision, if it does not request an informal conference or if it does not agree with the recommended decision resulting from the informal conference?
- SECTION § 900.159 - May an Indian tribe or tribal organization get an extension of time to file a notice of appeal?
- SECTION § 900.160 -
- SECTION § 900.161 - How is a hearing arranged?
- SECTION § 900.162 - What happens when a hearing is necessary?
- SECTION § 900.163 - What is the Secretary's burden of proof for appeals from decisions under through § 900.150(g)?
- SECTION § 900.164 - What rights do Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and the government have during the appeal process?
- SECTION § 900.165 - What happens after the hearing?
- SECTION § 900.166 - Is the recommended decision always final?
- SECTION § 900.167 - If an Indian tribe or tribal organization objects to the recommended decision, what will the Secretary of Health and Human Services or the IBIA do?
- SECTION § 900.168 - Will an appeal hurt the Indian tribe or tribal organization's position in other contract negotiations?
- SECTION § 900.169 - Will the decisions on appeals be available for the public to review?
Appeals of Emergency Reassumption of Self-Determination Contracts or Suspensions, Withholding or Delay of Payments Under a Self-Determination Contract
- SECTION § 900.170 - What happens in the case of emergency reassumption or suspension or withholding or delay of payments?
- SECTION § 900.171 - Will there be a hearing?
- SECTION § 900.172 - What happens after the hearing?
- SECTION § 900.173 - Is the recommended decision always final?
- SECTION § 900.174 - If an Indian tribe or tribal organization objects to the recommended decision, what will the Secretary of Health and Human Services or the IBIA do?
- SECTION § 900.175 - Will an appeal hurt an Indian tribe or tribal organization's position in other contract negotiations?
- SECTION § 900.176 - Will the decisions on appeals be available for the public to review?
Applicability of the Equal Access to Justice Act