Subpart I. Subpart I—Property Donation Procedures
Government-Furnished Property
- SECTION § 900.87 - How does an Indian tribe or tribal organization obtain title to property furnished by the Federal government for use in the performance of a contract or grant agreement pursuant to section 105(f)(2)(A) of the Act?
- SECTION § 900.88 - What should the Indian tribe or tribal organization do if it wants to obtain title to government-furnished real property that includes land not already held in trust?
- SECTION § 900.89 - When may the Secretary elect to reacquire government-furnished property whose title has been transferred to an Indian tribe or tribal organization?
- SECTION § 900.90 - Does government-furnished real property to which an Indian tribe or tribal organization has taken title continue to be eligible for facilities operation and maintenance funding from the Secretary?
Contractor-Purchased Property
- SECTION § 900.91 - Who takes title to property purchased with funds under a self-determination contract or grant agreement pursuant to section 105(f)(2)(A) of the Act?
- SECTION § 900.92 - What should the Indian tribe or tribal organization do if it wants contractor-purchased real property to be taken into trust?
- SECTION § 900.93 - When may the Secretary elect to acquire title to contractor-purchased property?
- SECTION § 900.94 -
BIA and IHS Excess Property
- SECTION § 900.95 - What is BIA or IHS excess property?
- SECTION § 900.96 - How can Indian tribes or tribal organizations learn about BIA and IHS excess property?
- SECTION § 900.97 - How can an Indian tribe or tribal organization acquire excess BIA or IHS property?
- SECTION § 900.98 - Who takes title to excess BIA or IHS property donated to an Indian tribe or tribal organization?
- SECTION § 900.99 - Who takes title to any land that is part of excess BIA or IHS real property donated to an Indian tribe or tribal organization?
- SECTION § 900.100 - May the Secretary elect to reacquire excess BIA or IHS property whose title has been transferred to an Indian tribe or tribal organization?
- SECTION § 900.101 - Is excess BIA or IHS real property to which an Indian tribe or tribal organization has taken title eligible for facilities operation and maintenance funding from the Secretary?
Excess or Surplus Government Property of Other Agencies
- SECTION § 900.102 - What is excess or surplus government property of other agencies?
- SECTION § 900.103 - How can Indian tribes or tribal organizations learn about property that has been designated as excess or surplus government property?
- SECTION § 900.104 - How may an Indian tribe or tribal organization receive excess or surplus government property of other agencies?
- SECTION § 900.105 - Who takes title to excess or surplus Federal property donated to an Indian tribe or tribal organization?
- SECTION § 900.106 - If a contract or grant agreement or portion thereof is retroceded, reassumed, terminated, or expires, may the Secretary reacquire title to excess or surplus Federal property of other agencies that was donated to an Indian tribe or tribal organization?
Property Eligible for Replacement Funding