View all text of Subjgrp 82 [§ 1000.2405 - § 1000.2430]
§ 1000.2410 - Will there be a hearing?
Yes, unless the Tribe/Consortium waives its right to a hearing in writing. The Deputy Director of the Office of Hearings and Appeals must appoint an ALJ to hold a hearing.
(a) The hearing must be held within 10 days of the date of the notice referred to in § 1000.1750 unless the Tribe/Consortium agrees to a later date.
(b) If possible, the hearing will be held at the office of the Tribe/Consortium. The parties may agree to an alternative meeting place or forum, including but not limited to telephonic or virtual meeting forums. If the hearing is held more than 50 miles from the office of the Tribe/Consortium, the Secretary must arrange to pay transportation costs and per diem for incidental expenses. This will allow for adequate representation of the Tribe/Consortium.