View all text of Subpart O [§ 1000.1901 - § 1000.1975]

§ 1000.1910 - What are “trust resources” for the purposes of the trust evaluation process?

(a) Trust resources include property and interests in property:

(1) That are held in trust by the United States for the benefit of a Tribe or individual Indians; or

(2) That are subject to restrictions upon alienation.

(b) Trust assets include:

(1) Other assets, trust revenue, royalties, or rental, including natural resources, land, water, minerals, funds, property, or claims, and any intangible right or interest in any of the foregoing;

(2) Any other property, asset, or interest therein, or treaty right for which the United States is charged with a trust responsibility. For example, water rights and off-reservation treaty rights.

(c) This definition defines trust resources and trust assets for purposes of the trust evaluation process only.