Subpart M. Subpart M—Reassumption
- § 1000.1701 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
- § 1000.1705 - What does reassumption mean?
- § 1000.1710 - Under what circumstances may the Secretary reassume a program operated by a Tribe/Consortium under a funding agreement?
- § 1000.1715 - What is “imminent jeopardy” to a trust asset?
- § 1000.1720 - What is “imminent jeopardy” to natural resources?
- § 1000.1725 - What is “imminent jeopardy” to public health and safety?
- § 1000.1730 - What steps must the Secretary take prior to reassumption becoming effective?
- § 1000.1735 - Does the Tribe/Consortium have a right to a hearing prior to a non-immediate reassumption becoming effective?
- § 1000.1740 - What happens if the Secretary determines that the Tribe/Consortium has not corrected the conditions that the Secretary identified in the written notice?
- § 1000.1745 - What is the earliest date on which a reassumption by the Secretary can be effective?
- § 1000.1750 - Does the Secretary have the authority to immediately reassume a program?
- § 1000.1755 - What must a Tribe/Consortium do when a program is reassumed?
- § 1000.1760 - When must the Tribe/Consortium return funds to the Department?
- § 1000.1765 - May the Tribe/Consortium be reimbursed for actual and reasonable “wind up costs” incurred after the effective date of retrocession?
- § 1000.1770 - Is a Tribe's/Consortium's general right to negotiate a funding agreement adversely affected by a reassumption action?
- § 1000.1775 - When will the Secretary return management of a reassumed program?