View all text of Subjgrp 74 [§ 1000.1470 - § 1000.1475]

§ 1000.1475 - Is a Tribe/Consortium required to submit construction project progress and financial reports for construction projects?

Yes, as required under § 1000.1355(b), construction project progress reports and financial reports are only required for active construction projects. The construction progress and financial reports shall provide the following information:

(a) Construction project progress reports contain information about accomplishments during the reporting period and issues and concerns of the Tribe/Consortium relating to the project, if any. Construction progress information will include the following, as applicable:

(1) Phase(s) of the project completed or in progress including but not limited to design complete, environmental review complete, and construction underway;

(2) Milestone project event(s) reached (e.g., 50% of the project is completed);

(3) Other information mutually agreeable to the Tribe/Consortium and the Secretary.

(4) Upon project completion, the final construction progress report will provide notification to the Secretary that the project has been completed in accordance with the approved project scope, including any changes in the project scope of work.

(b) Construction project financial reports contain information regarding the amount of funds expended during the reporting period and financial concerns of the Tribe/Consortium concerning the project, if any.