View all text of Subjgrp 68 [§ 1000.1301 - § 1000.1301]
§ 1000.1301 - What key construction terms do I need to know?
Budget means a statement of the funds required to complete the scope of work in a construction project. For cost reimbursement agreements, budgets may be stated using broad categories such as planning, design, construction, project administration, and contingency. For fixed price agreements, budgets may be stated as lump sums, unit cost pricing, or a combination thereof.
Construction management services (CMS) means activities limited to administrative support services; coordination; and monitoring oversight of the planning, design, and construction process. CMS activities typically include:
(1) Coordination and information exchange between the Tribe/Consortium and the Federal Government;
(2) Preparation of a Tribe's/Consortium's project agreement; and
(3) A Tribe's/Consortium's subcontract scope of work identification and subcontract preparation, and competitive selection of construction contract subcontractors.
Construction phase is the phase of a construction project during which the project is constructed, and includes labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to complete the work, in accordance with the construction project agreement.
Construction program or construction project means a Tribal undertaking relating to the administration, planning, environmental determination, design, construction, repair, improvement, or expansion of roads, bridges, buildings, structures, systems, or other facilities for purposes of housing, law enforcement, detention, sanitation, water supply, education, administration, community, health, irrigation, agriculture, conservation, flood control, transportation, or port facilities, or for other Tribal purposes.
Construction project agreement means a negotiated agreement between the Secretary and a Tribe/Consortium, that at a minimum:
(1) Establishes project phase start and completion dates, which may extend over a period of one or more years;
(2) Provides a general description of the project, including the scope of work, references to design criteria and standards by which it will be accomplished, and other terms and conditions;
(3) Identifies the responsibilities of the Tribe/Consortium and the Secretary;
(4) Addresses how project-related environmental considerations will be addressed;
(5) Identifies the owner and operations and maintenance entity of the proposed work;
(6) Provides a budget;
(7) Provides a payment process;
(8) Establishes the duration of the agreement based on the time necessary to complete the specified scope of work, which may be one or more years; and
(9) Identifies the agreement of the Secretary and Tribe/Consortium over which entity will bear any additional costs necessary to meet changes in scope, or errors or omissions in design and construction.
Design phase is the phase of a construction project during which project plans, specifications, and other documents are prepared that are used to construct the project. Site investigation, final site selection and environmental review and determination activities are completed in this phase if not conducted as part of the planning phase.
NEPA means the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
NHPA means the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.).
Planning phase is the phase of a construction project agreement during which planning services are provided.
Planning services may include performing a needs assessment, completing and/or verifying master plans, developing justification documents, conducting pre-design site investigations, developing budget cost estimates, conducting feasibility studies as needed, conducting environmental review activities and justifying the need for the project.
SHPO means State Historic Preservation Officer.
Scope of work or specific scope of work means a brief written description of the work to be accomplished under the construction project, sufficient to confirm that the project is consistent with the purpose for which the Secretary has allocated funds.
THPO means Tribal Historic Preservation Officer.