View all text of Subpart G [§ 1000.801 - § 1000.925]

§ 1000.860 - How will the Secretary consult with Tribes/Consortia in developing the list of available programs?

(a) The Secretary shall consult with Tribes/Consortia in developing the list of available programs in accordance with subpart T of this part.

(b) In addition to the requirements in subpart T of this part:

(1) The Secretary must publish the previous year's list of available programs in accordance with 25 U.S.C. 5372(c)(3) in the Federal Register prior to October 1 of each year. The list must include:

(i) All of the Secretary's proposed additions and revisions for the coming year with an explanation; and

(ii) Programmatic targets detailed in § 1000.2010(e) and an initial point of contact for each bureau.

(2) If the Secretary does not plan to include a Tribal suggestion or revision in the final published list, the Secretary must provide to such Tribe/Consortium a written explanation of reasons consistent with § 1000.855.