View all text of Subjgrp 66 [§ 1000.670 - § 1000.740]
§ 1000.710 - How does BIA determine a Tribe's/Consortium's share of funds to be included in a funding agreement?
There are typically two methods for determining the amount of funds to be included in the funding agreement:
(a) Formula-driven. For formula-driven programs, a Tribe's/Consortium's amount is determined by first identifying the funds for BIA to carry out inherent Federal functions and second, by applying the distribution formula to the remaining eligible funding for each program involved.
(1) Distribution formulas must be reasonably related to the function or service performed by an office, and must be consistently applied to all Tribes within each regional and agency office.
(2) The process in paragraph (a) of this section for calculating a Tribe's funding under self-governance must be consistent with the process used for calculating funds available to non-self-governance Tribes.
(b) Tribal-specific. For programs whose funds are not distributed on a formula basis as described in paragraph (a) of this section, a Tribe's funding amount will be determined on a Tribe-by-Tribe basis and may differ between Tribes. Examples of these funds may include special project funding, awarded competitive grants, earmarked funding, and construction or other one-time or non-recurring funding for which a Tribe is eligible.