View all text of Subjgrp 62 [§ 1000.160 - § 1000.200]

§ 1000.160 - How is a Tribe/Consortium selected to participate in Self-Governance?

(a) For a Tribe not presently participating in Self Governance to be selected, the Tribe/Consortium may submit a request to the Director at any time, but no later than 180 days before the proposed effective date of the funding agreement (e.g., October 1, January 1, or such other date as the parties agree). The request must contain the documentation required in § 1000.125.

(b) OSG shall select a Tribe/Consortium to participate in self-governance upon a determination that the Tribe/Consortium has provided the required documentation in § 1000.125, consistent with 25 U.S.C. 5362(b)(1)(A).

(c) OSG shall notify the Tribe/Consortium no later than 45-days after receipt of the Tribe's/Consortium's request that the Tribe/Consortium has been selected to participate in self-governance or does not have a complete request under § 1000.185.