View all text of Subpart D [§ 293.16 - § 293.31]

§ 293.29 -

No. Subject to §§ 293.4(b) and 293.8(d), any contract or other agreement between a Tribe and a State, its agencies, or its political subdivisions that seeks to regulate a Tribe's right to conduct gaming—as limited by IGRA—is a gaming compact that must comply with IGRA and be submitted for review and approval by the Secretary consistent with § 293.8. A Tribe may submit any other agreement between the Tribe and the State, its agencies, or its political subdivisions for a determination if the agreement is a compact or amendment under § 293.4(c). This includes agreements mandated or required by a compact or amendment, which contain provisions for the payment from a Tribe's gaming revenue or restricts or regulates a Tribe's use and enjoyment of its Indian lands, including a Tribe's conduct of gaming.