Subpart D. Subpart D—Planning, Design, and Construction of Tribal Transportation Program Facilities
Transportation Planning
- SECTION § 170.400 - What is the purpose of transportation planning?
- SECTION § 170.401 - What are BIA's and FHWA's roles in transportation planning?
- SECTION § 170.402 - What is the Tribal role in transportation planning?
- SECTION § 170.403 - What TTP funds can be used for transportation planning?
- SECTION § 170.404 - Can Tribes use transportation planning funds for other activities?
- SECTION § 170.405 - How must Tribes use planning funds?
- SECTION §§ 170.406-170.408 - §[Reserved]
- SECTION § 170.409 - What is the purpose of long-range transportation planning?
- SECTION § 170.410 - How does a long-range transportation plan relate to the NTTFI?
- SECTION § 170.411 - What should a long-range transportation plan include?
- SECTION § 170.412 - How is the Tribal TTP long-range transportation plan developed and approved?
- SECTION § 170.413 - What is the public's role in developing the long-range transportation plan?
- SECTION § 170.414 - How is the Tribal long-range transportation plan used and updated?
- SECTION § 170.415 - What are pre-project planning and project identification studies?
- SECTION § 170.420 - What is the Tribal priority list?
Tribal Transportation Improvement Programs
- SECTION § 170.421 - What is the Tribal Transportation Improvement Program (TTIP)?
- SECTION § 170.422 - How does the public participate in developing the TTIP?
- SECTION § 170.423 - How are annual updates or amendments to the TTIP conducted?
- SECTION § 170.424 - What is the TTP Transportation Improvement Program (TTPTIP)?
Public Hearings
- SECTION § 170.435 - When is a public hearing required?
- SECTION § 170.436 - How are public hearings for TTP planning and projects funded?
- SECTION § 170.437 - If there is no hearing, how must BIA, FHWA, or a Tribe inform the public?
- SECTION § 170.438 - How must BIA, FHWA, or a Tribe inform the public of when a hearing is held?
- SECTION § 170.439 - How is a public hearing conducted?
- SECTION § 170.440 - How can the public learn the results of a public hearing?
- SECTION § 170.441 - Can a decision resulting from a hearing be appealed?
National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory
- SECTION § 170.442 - What is the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory?
- SECTION § 170.443 - What is required to successfully include a proposed transportation facility in the NTTFI?
- SECTION § 170.444 - How is the NTTFI updated?
- SECTION § 170.445 - [Reserved]
- SECTION § 170.446 - What minimum attachments are required for an NTTFI submission?
- SECTION § 170.447 - How are the allowable lengths of access roads in the NTTFI determined?
Environmental and Archeological Requirements
- SECTION § 170.450 - What archeological and environmental requirements must the TTP meet?
- SECTION § 170.451 - Can TTP funds be used for archeological and environmental compliance?
- SECTION § 170.452 - When can TTP funds be used for archeological and environmental activities?
- SECTION § 170.453 - Do the Categorical Exclusions under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the regulations at 23 CFR 771 apply to TTP activities?
Review and Approval of Plans, Specifications and Estimates
Construction and Construction Monitoring
Management Systems
Tribal Transportation Facility Bridges
- SECTION § 170.510 - What funds are available for Tribal Transportation Facility Bridge activities?
- SECTION § 170.511 - What activities are eligible for Tribal Transportation Facility Bridge funds?
- SECTION § 170.512 - How will Tribal Transportation Facility Bridge funds be made available to the Tribes?
- SECTION § 170.513 - When and how are bridge inspections performed?
- SECTION § 170.514 - Who reviews bridge inspection reports?