Subpart I. Subpart I—Trespass
- § 166.800 - What is trespass?
- § 166.801 - What is the BIA's trespass policy?
- § 166.802 - Who can enforce this subpart?
- SECTION § 166.806 - What actions does the BIA take against trespassers?
- SECTION § 166.807 - When will we impound unauthorized livestock or other property?
- SECTION § 166.808 - How are trespassers notified if their unauthorized livestock or other property are to be impounded?
- SECTION § 166.809 - What happens after my unauthorized livestock or other property are impounded?
- SECTION § 166.810 - How do I redeem my impounded livestock or other property?
- SECTION § 166.811 - How will the sale of impounded livestock or other property be conducted?
Penalties, Damages, and Costs
- SECTION § 166.812 - What are the penalties, damages, and costs payable by trespassers on Indian agricultural land?
- SECTION § 166.813 - How will the BIA determine the value of forage or crops consumed or destroyed?
- SECTION § 166.814 - How will the BIA determine the value of the products or property illegally used or removed?
- SECTION § 166.815 - How will the BIA determine the amount of damages to Indian agricultural land?
- SECTION § 166.816 - How will the BIA determine the costs associated with enforcement of the trespass?
- SECTION § 166.817 - What happens if I do not pay the assessed penalties, damages and costs?
- SECTION § 166.818 - How are the proceeds from trespass distributed?
- SECTION § 166.819 - What happens if the BIA does not collect enough money to satisfy the penalty?