Subpart C. Subpart C—Permit Requirements
General Requirements
- SECTION § 166.200 - When is a permit needed to authorize possession of Indian land for grazing purposes?
- SECTION § 166.201 - Must parents or guardians of Indian minors who own Indian land obtain a permit before using land for grazing purposes?
- SECTION § 166.202 - May an emancipated minor grant a permit?
- SECTION § 166.203 - When can the Indian landowners grant a permit?
- SECTION § 166.204 - Who may represent an individual Indian landowner in granting a permit?
- SECTION § 166.205 - When can the BIA grant a permit on behalf of Indian landowners?
- SECTION § 166.206 - What requirements apply to a permit on a fractionated tract?
- SECTION § 166.207 - What provisions will be contained in a permit?
- SECTION § 166.208 - How long is a permit term?
- SECTION § 166.209 - Must a permit be recorded?
- SECTION § 166.210 - When is a decision by the BIA regarding a permit effective?
- SECTION § 166.211 - When are permits effective?
- SECTION § 166.212 - When may a permittee take possession of permitted Indian land?
- SECTION § 166.213 - Must I comply with any standards of conduct if I am granted a permit?
- SECTION § 166.214 - Will the BIA notify the permittee of any change in land title status?
Obtaining A Permit
- SECTION § 166.215 - How can I find Indian land available for grazing?
- SECTION § 166.216 - Who is responsible for permitting Indian land?
- SECTION § 166.217 - In what manner may a permit on Indian land be granted?
- SECTION § 166.218 - How do I acquire a permit through tribal allocation?
- SECTION § 166.219 - How do I acquire a permit through negotiation?
- SECTION § 166.220 - What are the basic steps for acquiring a permit through negotiation?
- SECTION § 166.221 - How do I acquire an advertised permit through competitive bidding?
- SECTION § 166.222 - Are there standard permit forms?
Permit (Leasehold) Mortgage
- SECTION § 166.223 - Can I use a permit as collateral for a loan?
- SECTION § 166.224 - What factors does the BIA consider when reviewing a leasehold mortgage?
- SECTION § 166.225 - May a permittee voluntarily assign a leasehold interest under an approved encumbrance?
- SECTION § 166.226 - May the holder of a leasehold mortgage assign the leasehold interest after a sale or foreclosure of an approved encumbrance?
Modifying a Permit
- SECTION § 166.227 - How can Indian land be removed from an existing permit?
- SECTION § 166.228 - How will the BIA provide notice if Indian land is removed from an existing permit?
- SECTION § 166.229 - Other than to remove land, how can a permit be amended, assigned, subpermitted, or mortgaged?
- SECTION § 166.230 - When will a BIA decision to approve an amendment, assignment, subpermit, or mortgage under a permit be effective?
- SECTION § 166.231 - Must an amendment, assignment, subpermit, or mortgage approved under a permit be recorded?