View all text of Subjgrp 175 [§ 162.453 - § 162.456]

§ 162.454 - What are the consent requirements for a sublease of a business lease?

(a) Unless the lease provides otherwise, the lessee must notify all Indian landowners of the proposed sublease.

(b) The Indian landowners must consent to a sublease of a business lease in the same percentages and manner as a new business lease under § 162.012, unless the lease:

(1) Provides that individual Indian landowners are deemed to have consented where they do not object in writing to the sublease within a specified period of time following the landowners' receipt of the sublease and the lease meets the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section;

(2) Authorizes one or more representatives to consent to a sublease on behalf of all Indian landowners; or

(3) Designates us as the Indian landowners' representative for the purposes of consenting to a sublease.

(c) If the lease provides for deemed consent under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, it must require the parties to submit to us:

(1) A copy of the executed sublease or other documentation of any Indian landowners' actual consent;

(2) Proof of mailing of the sublease to any Indian landowners who are deemed to have consented; and

(3) Any other pertinent information for us to review.