View all text of Part 581 [§ 581.1 - § 581.23]

§ 581.19 - Other uses.

(a) A transferee may permit the use of all or a portion of the surplus property by another eligible entity as described in § 581.1 for homeless assistance purposes, only upon those terms and conditions HHS determines appropriate, if:

(1) The transferee submits a written request to HHS explaining the purpose of and need for another eligible entity's use of the property, program plan, and other relevant information requested by HHS;

(2) HHS determines that the proposed use would not substantially limit the program and plan of use by the transferee and that the use will not unduly burden the Federal Government;

(3) HHS's written consent is obtained by the transferee in advance;

(4) HHS approves the use instrument in advance and in writing;

(5) The transferee agrees to lengthen the period of restrictions as determined by HHS; and

(6) HHS advises GSA and there is no disapproval by GSA within thirty (30) days.

(b) A transferee that does not follow paragraph (a) of this section will be deemed to be not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Title V program and subject to enforcement action, including reversion of the property.

[89 FR 89886, Nov. 13, 2024]