Subpart A. Subpart A—Additional Assistance Program for Projects With HUD-Insured and HUD-Held Mortgages
- § 886.101 - Applicability.
- § 886.102 - Definitions.
- § 886.103 - Allocation of Section 8 contract authority.
- § 886.104 - Invitations to participate.
- § 886.105 - Content of application; Disclosure.
- § 886.106 - Notices.
- § 886.107 - Approval of applications.
- § 886.108 - Maximum annual contract commitment.
- § 886.109 - Housing assistance payments to owners.
- § 886.110 - Contract rents.
- § 886.111 - Term of contract.
- § 886.111a - Notice upon contract expiration.
- § 886.112 - Rent adjustments.
- § 886.113 - Physical condition standard; physical inspection requirements.
- § 886.114 - Equal opportunity requirements.
- § 886.115 - [Reserved]
- § 886.116 - Security and utility deposits.
- § 886.117 - [Reserved]
- § 886.118 - Amount of housing assistance payments in projects receiving other HUD assistance.
- § 886.119 - Responsibilities of the owner.
- § 886.120 - Responsibility for contract administration.
- § 886.121 - Marketing.
- § 886.122 - [Reserved]
- § 886.123 - Maintenance, operation, and inspections.
- § 886.124 - Reexamination of family income and composition.
- § 886.125 -
- § 886.126 - Adjustment of utility allowances.
- § 886.127 - Lease requirements.
- § 886.128 - Termination of tenancy.
- § 886.129 - Leasing to eligible families.
- § 886.130 - Management and occupancy reviews.
- § 886.131 - Audit.
- § 886.132 - Tenant selection.
- § 886.138 - Displacement, relocation, and acquisition.
- § 886.139 - Emergency transfers for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
- § 886.140 - Broadband infrastructure.