Subpart C. Subpart C—Metropolitan Transportation Planning and Programming
- § 450.300 - Purpose.
- § 450.302 - Applicability.
- § 450.304 - Definitions.
- § 450.306 - Scope of the metropolitan transportation planning process.
- § 450.308 - Funding for transportation planning and unified planning work programs.
- § 450.310 - Metropolitan planning organization designation and redesignation.
- § 450.312 - Metropolitan Planning Area boundaries.
- § 450.314 - Metropolitan planning agreements.
- § 450.316 - Interested parties, participation, and consultation.
- § 450.318 - Transportation planning studies and project development.
- § 450.320 - Development of programmatic mitigation plans.
- § 450.322 - Congestion management process in transportation management areas.
- § 450.324 - Development and content of the metropolitan transportation plan.
- § 450.326 - Development and content of the transportation improvement program (TIP).
- § 450.328 - TIP revisions and relationship to the STIP.
- § 450.330 - TIP action by the FHWA and the FTA.
- § 450.332 - Project selection from the TIP.
- § 450.334 - Annual listing of obligated projects.
- § 450.336 - Self-certifications and Federal certifications.
- § 450.338 - Applicability of NEPA to metropolitan transportation plans and programs.
- § 450.340 - Phase-in of new requirements.