View all text of Subpart A [§ 230.101 - § 230.121]

§ 230.113 - Implementation of supportive services.

(a) The State highway agency shall establish procedures, subject to the availability of funds under 23 U.S.C. 140(b), for the provision of supportive services in support of training programs approved under this directive. Funds made available to implement this paragraph shall not be used to finance the training of State highway agency employees or to provide services in support of such training. State highway agencies are not required to match funds allocated to them under this section.

(b) In determining the types of supportive services to be provided which will increase the effectiveness of approved training programs. State highway agencies shall give preference to the following types of services in the order listed:

(1) Services related to recruiting, counseling, transportation, physical examinations, remedial training, with special emphasis upon increasing training opportunities for members of minority groups and women;

(2) Services in connection with the administration of on-the-job training programs being sponsored by individual or groups of contractors and/or minority groups and women's groups;

(3) Services designed to develop the capabilities of prospective trainees for undertaking on-the-job training;

(4) Services in connection with providing a continuation of training during periods of seasonal shutdown;

(5) Followup services to ascertain outcome of training being provided.

(c) State highway agencies which desire to provide or obtain supportive services other than those listed above shall submit their proposals to the Federal Highway Administration for approval. The proposal, together with recommendations of the division and regional offices shall be submitted to the Administrator for appropriate action.

(d) When the State highway agency provides supportive services by contract, formal advertising is not required by the FHWA, however, the State highway agency shall solicit proposals from such qualified sources as will assure the competitive nature of the procurement. The evaluation of proposals by the State highway agency must include consideration of the proposer's ability to effect a productive relationship with contractors, unions (if appropriate), minority and women groups, minority and women trainees, and other persons or organizations whose cooperation and assistance will contribute to the successful performance of the contract work.

(e) In the selection of contractors to provide supportive services, State highway agencies shall make conscientious efforts to search out and utilize the services of qualified minority or women organizations, or minority or women business enterprises.

(f) As a minimum, State highway agency contracts to obtain supportive services shall include the following provisions:

(1) A statement that a primary purpose of the supportive services is to increase the effectiveness of approved on-the-job training programs, particularly their effectiveness in providing meaningful training opportunities for minorities, women, and the disadvantaged on Federal-aid highway projects;

(2) A clear and complete statement of the services to be provided under the contract, such as services to construction contractors, subcontractors, and trainees, for recruiting, counseling, remedial educational training, assistance in the acquisition of tools, special equipment and transportation, followup procedures, etc.;

(3) The nondiscrimination provisions required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as set forth in FHWA Form PR-1273, and a statement of nondiscrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, national origin or sex;

(4) The establishment of a definite perriod of contract performance together with, if appropriate, a schedule stating when specific supportive services are to be provided;

(5) Reporting requirements pursuant to which the State highway agency will receive monthly or quarterly reports containing sufficient statistical data and narrative content to enable evaluation of both progress and problems;

(6) A requirement that the contractor keep track of trainees receiving training on Federal-aid highway construction projects for up to 6 months during periods when their training is interrupted. Such contracts shall also require the contractor to conduct a 6 month followup review of the employment status of each graduate who completes an on-the-job training program on a Federal-aid highway construction project subsequent to the effective date of the contract for supportive services.

(7) The basis of payment;

(8) An estimated schedule for expenditures;

(9) The right of access to contractor and subcontractor records and the right to audit shall be granted to authorize State highway agency and FHWA officials;

(10) Noncollusion certification;

(11) A requirement that the contractor provide all information necessary to support progress payments if such are provided for in the contract;

(12) A termination clause.

(g) The State highway agency is to furnish copies of the reports received under paragraph (b)(5) of this section, to the division office.

[40 FR 28053, July 3, 1975, as amended at 41 FR 3080, Jan. 21, 1976]