View all text of Subpart A [§ 230.101 - § 230.121]

§ 230.103 - Definitions.

For purposes of this subpart—

Administrator means the Federal Highway Administrator.

Areawide Plan means an affirmative action plan to increase minority utilization of crafts in a specified geographical area pursuant to Executive Order 11246, and taking the form of either a “Hometown” or an “Imposed” plan.

Bid conditions means contract requirements which have been issued by OFCC for purposes of implementing a Hometown Plan.

Division Administrator means the chief Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) official assigned to conduct FHWA business in a particular State, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

Division Equal Opportunity Officer means an individual with staff level responsibilities and necessary authority by which to operate as an Equal Opportunity Officer in a Division office. Normally the Equal Opportunity Officer will be a full-time civil rights specialist serving as staff assistant to the Division Administrator.

Hometown Plan means a voluntary areawide plan which was developed by representatives of affected groups (usually labor unions, minority organizations, and contractors), and subsequently approved by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance (OFCC), for purposes of implementing the equal employment opportunity requirements pursuant to Executive Order 11246, as amended.

Imposed Plan means an affirmative action requirement for a specified geographical area made mandatory by OFCC and, in some areas, by the courts.

Journeyman means a person who is capable of performing all the duties within a given job classification or craft.

State highway agency means that department, commission, board, or official of any State charged by its laws with the responsibility for highway construction. The term State should be considered equivalent to State highway agency.

Suggested minimum annual training goals means goals which have been assigned to each State highway agency annually for the purpose of specifying training positions on selected Federal-aid highway construction projects.

Supportive services means those services provided in connection with approved on-the-job training programs for highway construction workers and highway contractors which are designed to increase the overall effectiveness of training programs through the performance of functions determined to be necessary in connection with such programs, but which are not generally considered as comprising part of actual on-the-job craft training.

Trainee means a person who received on-the-job training, whether through an apprenticeship program or other programs approved or accepted by the FHWA.

[40 FR 28053, July 3, 1975, as amended at 41 FR 3080, Jan. 21, 1976]