Appendix D - Appendix D to Subpart A of Part 230—Federal-Aid Highway Construction Summary of Employment Data (Form PR-1392)

General Information and Instructions

This form is to be developed from the “Contractor's Annual EEO Report.” This data is to be compiled by the State and submitted annually. It should reflect the total employment on all Federal-Aid Highway Projects in the State as of July 31st. The staffing figures to be reported should represent the project work force on board in all or any part of the last payroll period preceding the end of July. The staffing figures to be reported in Table A should include journey-level men and women, apprentices, and on-the-job trainees. Staffing figures to be reported in Table B should include only apprentices and on-the-job trainees as indicated.

Entries made for “Job Categories” are to be confined to the listing shown. Miscellaneous job classifications are to be incorporated in the most appropriate category listed on the form. All employees on projects should thus be accounted for.

This information will be useful in complying with the U.S. Senate Committee on Public Works request that the Federal Highway Administration submit a report annually on the status of the Equal Employment Opportunity Program, its effectiveness, and progress made by the States and the Administration in carrying out section 22(A) of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968. In addition, the form should be used as a valuable tool for States to evaluate their own programs for ensuring equal opportunity.

It is requested that States submit this information annually to the FHWA Divisions no later than September 25.

Line 01—State & Region Code. Enter the 4-digit code from the list below.

Alabama01-04Montana30-08 Alaska02-10Nebraska31-07 Arizona04-09Nevada32-09 Arkansas05-06New Hampshire33-01 California06-09New Jersey34-01 Colorado08-08New Mexico35-06 Delaware10-03North Carolina37-04 District of Columbia11-03North Dakota38-08 Florida12-04Ohio39-05 Georgia13-04Oklahoma40-06 Hawaii15-09Oregon41-10 Idaho16-10Pennsylvania42-03 Illinois17-05Puerto Rico43-01 Iowa19-07South Carolina45-04 Kansas20-07South Dakota46-08 Kentucky21-04Tennessee47-04 Louisiana22-06Texas48-06 Maine23-01Utah49-08 Maryland24-03Vermont50-01 Massachusetts25-01Virginia51-03 Michigan26-05Washington53-10 Minnesota27-05West Virginia54-03 Mississippi28-04Wisconsin55-05 Missouri29-07Wyoming56-08
(23 U.S.C. sec. 140(a), 315, 49 CFR 1.48(b)) [44 FR 46832, Aug. 8, 1979. Correctly redesignated at 46 FR 21156, Apr. 9, 1981, and amended at 56 FR 4721, Feb. 6, 1991]