Subpart C. Subpart C—Import Tolerances for Residues of Unapproved New Animal Drugs in Food
- § 510.201 - Scope.
- § 510.202 -
- § 510.203 - Initiation of a proceeding to establish or amend an import tolerance.
- § 510.205 - Content and administration of a request.
- § 510.206 - Review of information supporting actions to establish or amend an import tolerance.
- § 510.207 - Disclosure of information submitted in a request.
- § 510.209 - Establishment, denial, or amendment of an import tolerance.
- § 510.210 - Revocation of an import tolerance.
- § 510.212 - Administrative reconsideration of action.
- § 510.213 - Administrative stay of action.