Subpart G. Subpart G—Consultative Examinations
- § 220.50 - Consultative examinations at the Board's expense.
- § 220.51 - Notice of the examination.
- § 220.52 - Failure to appear at a consultative examination.
- § 220.53 - When the Board will purchase a consultative examination and how it will be used.
- § 220.54 - When the Board will not purchase a consultative examination.
- § 220.55 - Purchase of consultative examinations at the reconsideration level.
- § 220.56 - Securing medical evidence at the hearings officer hearing level.
- § 220.57 - Types of purchased examinations and selection of sources.
- § 220.58 - Objections to the designated physician or psychologist.
- § 220.59 - Requesting examination by a specific physician, psychologist or institution—hearings officer hearing level.
- § 220.60 - Diagnostic surgical procedures.
- § 220.61 - Informing the examining physician or psychologist of examination scheduling, report content and signature requirements.
- § 220.62 - Reviewing reports of consultative examinations.
- § 220.63 - Conflict of interest.
- § 220.64 - Program integrity.