Subjgrp 6. Coastwise Procedure
- § 4.80 - Vessels entitled to engage in coastwise trade.
- § 4.80a - Coastwise transportation of passengers.
- § 4.80b - Coastwise transportation of merchandise.
- § 4.81 - Reports of arrivals and departures in coastwise trade.
- § 4.81a - Certain barges carrying merchandise transferred from another barge.
- § 4.82 - Touching at foreign port while in coastwise trade.
- § 4.83 - Trade between United States ports on the Great Lakes and other ports of the United States.
- § 4.84 - Trade with noncontiguous territory.
- § 4.85 - Vessels with residue cargo for domestic ports.
- § 4.86 - Intercoastal residue—cargo procedure; optional ports.
- § 4.87 - Vessels proceeding foreign via domestic ports.
- § 4.88 - Vessels with residue cargo for foreign ports.
- § 4.89 - Vessels in foreign trade proceeding via domestic ports and touching at intermediate foreign ports.
- § 4.90 - Simultaneous vessel transactions.
- § 4.91 - Diversion of vessel; transshipment of cargo.
- § 4.92 - Towing.
- § 4.93 - Coastwise transportation by certain vessels of empty vans, tanks, and barges, equipment for use with vans and tanks; empty instruments of international traffic; stevedoring equipment and material; procedures.