Appendix B - Appendix B to Part 24—Customs COBRA User Fees and Limitations in 19 CFR 24.23

19 U.S.C. 58c 19 CFR 24.23 Customs COBRA user
FY14 Base fee/limitation (subject to adjustment in accordance with the FAST Act) (b)(9)(A) (ii)(b)(1)(i)(A)Fee: Express Consignment Carrier/Centralized Hub Facility Fee, Per Individual Waybill/Bill of Lading Fee$1 (b)(9)(B)(i)(b)(1)(i)(B)(2)Limitation: Minimum Express Consignment Carrier/Centralized Hub Facility Fee0.35 (b)(9)(B)(i)(b)(1)(i)(B)(2)Limitation: Maximum Express Consignment Carrier/Centralized Hub Facility Fee1 (a)(9)(B)(i);
(b)(1)(i)(B)(1)Limitation: Minimum Merchandise Processing Fee25 (a)(9)(B)(i);
(b)(1)(i)(B)(1)Limitation: Maximum Merchandise Processing Fee485 (b)(8)(A)(ii)(b)(1)(ii)Fee: Surcharge for Manual Entry or Release3 (a)(10)(C)(i)(b)(2)(i)Fee: Informal Entry or Release; Automated and Not Prepared by CBP Personnel2 (a)(10)(C)(ii)(b)(2)(ii)Fee: Informal Entry or Release; Manual and Not Prepared by CBP Personnel6 (a)(10)(C)(iii)(b)(2)(iii)Fee: Informal Entry or Release; Automated or Manual; Prepared by CBP Personnel9 (b)(9)(A)(ii)(b)(4)Fee: Express Consignment Carrier/Centralized Hub Facility Fee, Per Individual Waybill/Bill of Lading Fee1
[CBP Dec. 17-16, 82 FR 50529, Nov. 1, 2017]