- Annex IV to Part 351—Deadlines for Parties in Antidumping Administrative Reviews

Day 1Event Regulation 0 daysRequest for review351.213(b)(1) (During the anniversary month). 30 daysPublication of initiation351.221(c)(1)(i) (End of month following the anniversary month). 37 daysApplication for an administrative protective order351.305(b)(3) (Before submission of first response to initial questionnaire). 44 daysApplication/certification for separate rate351.108(d)(2) (14 days after publication of initiation). 60 daysRequest for examine absorption of duties (AD)351.213(j) (30 days after date of publication of initiation). 66 days 2Notification of difficulty in responding to questionnaire351.301(c)(1)(iii) (14 days after date of receipt of initial questionnaire). 66 daysSection A responseNone. 85 daysViability arguments351.301(c)(2)(i) (10 days after relevant section is filed). 90 days 3Sections B, C, D, E response351.301(c)(1)(i) (At least 30 days after date of receipt of initial questionnaire). 110 daysCompany-specific cost allegations351.301(c)(2)(ii)(B) (20 days after relevant section is filed). 110 daysMajor input cost allegations351.301(c)(2)(iii) (20 days after relevant section is filed). 120 daysWithdrawal of request for review351.213(d)(1) (90 days after date of publication of initiation). 130 daysRequest for verification351.307(b)(1)(v) (100 days after date of publication of initiation). 140 daysSubmission of factual information351.301(b)(2). 185 daysSubmission of publicly available information to value factors (nonmarket economy)351.301(c)(3)(ii) (60 days before date of publication of preliminary results). 215 days 4Submission of other factual information351.301(c)(5) (The sooner of 30 days before preliminary results or 14 days before verification). 245 days (May be extended to 365 days)Preliminary results of review351.213(h)(1) (245 days after the last day of the anniversary month, but may be extended to 365 days after the last day of the anniversary month. 282 daysRequest for a hearing and/or closed hearing session351.310(c); 351.310(f) (30 days after date of publication of preliminary results). 282 daysSubmission of briefs351.309(c)(1)(ii) (30 days after date of publication of preliminary results). 287 daysSubmission of rebuttal briefs351.309(d)(1) (5 days after deadline for filing case briefs). 289 daysHearing; closing hearing session351.310(d)(1) (2 days after submission of rebuttal briefs). 372 days 5 (May be extended)Final results of review351.213(h)(1) (120 days after the date of publication of preliminary results, but may be extended to 300 days after the date of publication of the preliminary results). 382 daysMinisterial error comments351.224(c)(2) (5 days after release of disclosure documents). 387 daysReplies to ministerial error comments351.224(c)(3) (5 days after filing of comments).

1 Indicates the number of days from the end of the anniversary month. Most of the deadlines shown here are approximate. The actual deadline in any particular segment of a proceeding may depend on the date of an earlier event or be established by the Secretary.

2 Assumes that the Department sends out the questionnaire 45 days after the last day of the anniversary month and allows 7 days for receipt of the questionnaire from the date on which it was transmitted.

3 Assumes that the Department sends out the questionnaire on day 45 and the response is due 45 days later.

4 Assumes 30 days before the Preliminary Results is earlier than 14 days before verification.

5 Assumes that the Preliminary Results are published 7 days after issuance (i.e., signature).

[89 FR 103634, Dec. 19, 2024]