- Annex IX to Part 351—Deadlines for Parties in Scope Rulings

Day 1Event Regulation 0 daysSecretary's self-initiation or filing of scope rule application351.225(b)/(c)(1). 10 daysComments on adequacy of the request by non-applicant351.225(c)(3) (10 days after applicant filed application under (c)(1)). 24 daysComments and factual information Submission of rebuttal addressing self-initiation351.225(f)(1) (14 days after comments were filed under (b)). 30 daysSecretary's determination whether to initiate inquiry351.225(d)(1) (30 days after application was filed or response to questionnaire is filed). 30 daysSubmission of comments and factual information addressing self-initiation351.225(f)(1) (30 days after Secretary's self-initiated scope inquiry under (b)). 31 days 2Issuance of preliminary scope ruling351.225(g). 45 days 3Issuance of questionnaires351.225(f)(3). 45 daysScope comments under (g)351.225(f)(4) (14 days after issuance of preliminary scope ruling). 52 daysRebuttal comments under (g)351.225(f)(4) (7 days after scope comments were filed under (f)(4)). 60 daysComments and factual information Submission of rebuttal by non-applicant351.225(f)(2) (30 days after initiation under (d)(1)). 74 daysComments and factual information Submission of rebuttal by applicant351.225(f)(2) (14 days after rebuttal by non-applicant was filed under (d)(1)). 90 daysComments and factual information Response to questionnaires351.225(f)(3) (specified by the Secretary). 104 daysComments and factual information Rebuttal to questionnaire response351.225(f)(3) (14 days after questionnaire response was filed by original submitter). 111 daysComments and factual information Rebuttal to questionnaire response's rebuttal351.225(f)(3) (7 days after rebuttal to questionnaire response was filed). 120 days (may be extended to 300 days)Issuance of final scope ruling351.225(e)(1) (120 days after initiation under (b) or (d), but may be extended to 300 days after initiation). Publication of final scope rulings351.225(o) (quarterly). Publication of scope clarifications351.225(q).

1 Indicates the number of days from the date of initiation. Most of the deadlines shown here are approximate. The actual deadline in any particular segment of a proceeding may depend on the date of an earlier event or be established by the Secretary.

2 Assumes the Secretary did not issue a preliminary scope ruling concurrently with the Initiation of the scope inquiry.

3 Assumes that the Department sends out the questionnaire on day 45 and the response is due 45 days later.

[89 FR 103639, Dec. 19, 2024]