Subpart A. Subpart A—Scope, Definitions, the Record of Proceedings, Cash Deposits, Nonmarket Economy Antidumping Rates, All-Others Rate, and Respondent Selection
- § 351.101 - Scope.
- § 351.102 - Definitions.
- § 351.103 - Central Records Unit and Administrative Protective Order and Dockets Unit.
- § 351.104 - Record of proceedings.
- § 351.105 - Public, business proprietary, privileged, and classified information.
- § 351.106 - De minimis net countervailable subsidies and weighted-average dumping margins disregarded.
- § 351.107 - Cash deposit rates; producer/exporter combination rates.
- § 351.108 - Rates for entities exporting merchandise from nonmarket economies in antidumping proceedings.
- § 351.109 - Selection of examined respondents; single-country subsidy rate; calculating an all-others rate; calculating rates for unexamined respondents; voluntary respondents.