View all text of Part 801 [§ 801.0 - § 801.15]

§ 801.4 - Project review.

(a) The Compact provides generally that no project affecting the water resources of the basin shall be undertaken by any person, governmental authority, or other entity prior to approval by the Commission.

(b) In many instances, one or more of the signatory parties will exercise project review authority regarding proposed projects in the basin coming under the review of the Commission. Accordingly the Commission will direct its attention to reviewing the completeness and effectiveness of the review procedures of the signatories and will endeavor to minimize duplication of staff effort, and time and cost to the applicant.

(c) The Commission will establish exempt categories in accordance with the section 3.10-3 of the Compact, and for projects determined not to have a substantial effect on the water resources of the basin. In dealing with Federal or federally licensed projects, the Commission will take the provisions of reservations (r) and (w) of United States Pub. L. 91-575 (84 Stat. 1509) and provisions of the Compact into account.

(d) It is expected that project review procedures will be modified following adoption of the comprehensive plan. In the meantime the Commission will:

(1) Base its review and comments pertaining to proposed projects within the basin coming under the purview of the Commission, on review and comments of signatory parties. In general, the Commission review will seek to ascertain the completeness of procedures followed by the signatory parties in their review, and will refrain from specifically rechecking detailed evaluations. (Susquehanna River Basin Commission Resolution No. 72-5)

(2) Require as it determines necessary, submission of pertinent project plans and documents for its independent review and approval. The purpose of this review will be to ascertain whether all relevant provisions of the Compact and actions taken pursuant thereto have been observed:

(i) When the Commission has determined that a project may have significant effect on the water resources of the basin.

(ii) When a proposed project does not fall under the review jurisdiction of any agency of the signatory parties.

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