Subjgrp 6. Regulation NMS—Regulation of the National Market System
- § 242.600 - NMS security designation and definitions.
- § 242.601 - Dissemination of transaction reports and last sale data with respect to transactions in NMS stocks.
- § 242.602 - Dissemination of quotations in NMS securities.
- § 242.603 - Distribution, consolidation, dissemination, and display of information with respect to quotations for and transactions in NMS stocks.
- § 242.604 - Display of customer limit orders.
- § 242.605 - Disclosure of order execution information.
- § 242.606 - Disclosure of order routing information.
- § 242.607 - Customer account statements.
- § 242.608 - Filing and amendment of national market system plans.
- § 242.609 - Registration of securities information processors: form of application and amendments.
- § 242.610 - Access to quotations.
- § 242.611 - Order protection rule.
- § 242.612 - Minimum pricing increment.
- § 242.613 - Consolidated audit trail.
- § 242.614 - Registration and responsibilities of competing consolidators.