Subjgrp 4. Operating Statistics Classifications
- Section 19 - Section 19 Uniform Classification of Operating Statistics
- Sec. 19-1 - Sec. 19-1 Applicability.
- Sec. 19-2 - Sec. 19-2 Maintenance of data.
- Sec. 19-3 - Sec. 19-3 Accessibility and transmittal of data.
- Sec. 19-4 - Sec. 19-4 Service classes.
- Sec. 19-5 - Sec. 19-5 Air transport traffic and capacity elements.
- Sec. 19-6 - Sec. 19-6 Public disclosure of traffic data.
- Sec. 19-7 - Sec. 19-7 Passenger origin-destination survey.
- Sec. 19-8 - Sec. 19-8 Passenger Origin—Destination
- 19-8.1 - 19-8.1 Purpose.
- 19-8.2 - 19-8.2 Definitions.
- § 19-8.3 - Applicability.
- § 19-8.4 - Reporting of O&D data.
- § 19-8.5 - Form of reports.
- § 19-8.6 - Dissemination.
- § 19-8.7 - Submission of data.
- § 19-8.8 - Editing data.
- § 19-8.9 - Control of sample selection and data recording.
- § 19-8.10 - Staff review.