View all text of Subpart B [§ 194.201 - § 194.255]

§ 194.253 - Alternate requirements for powered-lift without fully functional dual controls used in flight training.

(a) Powered-lift equipped with an instantly accessible single, functioning control. (1) A person may utilize the alternate requirement provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section only if the applicant holds at least the certificates and ratings set forth by § 194.215(a) and instruction is provided by:

(i) An instructor pilot for the manufacturer of the powered-lift under the manufacturer's proposed training curriculum, or

(ii) A flight instructor under an approved training curriculum under part 135, 141, or 142 of this chapter, as applicable.

(2) Notwithstanding the requirements of §§ 61.195(g) and 91.109(a) of this chapter, a person may operate a powered-lift that is being used for flight training without fully functioning dual controls provided—

(i) The powered-lift is equipped with a single functioning flight control that is instantly accessible by both the applicant and the instructor;

(ii) The single functioning flight control meets the certification standards for both pilot stations; and

(iii) The instructor has determined that the flight can be conducted safely.

(b) Full flight simulator training for powered-lift with single functioning controls and a single pilot station. A person may apply for a powered-lift category rating, an instrument-powered-lift rating, and a powered-lift type rating concurrently for a powered-lift with single controls and a single pilot station under an approved part 135, 141, or 142 training program by meeting the requirements set forth in appendix A to this part.

(c) Deviation authority. Notwithstanding the requirements of §§ 61.195(g) and 91.109 of this chapter, the Administrator may authorize a deviation to operate a powered-lift that is being used for flight training in an approved training program under part 135, 141, or 142 without fully functioning dual controls provided:

(1) The certificate holder demonstrates in a form and manner acceptable to the Administrator that—

(i) The person providing the flight training and the PIC observing any applicable supervised operating experience can take immediate corrective action and full control of the powered-lift;

(ii) The flight training and any applicable supervised operating experience can be effectively conducted in the powered-lift; and

(2) The Administrator determines that the alternate flight training and applicable supervised operating experience set forth by paragraph (c)(1) of this section will not adversely affect safety.

(3) The FAA may cancel or amend a letter of deviation authority at any time if the Administrator determines that the requirements of this section are not met or if such action is necessary in the interest of safety.