View all text of Subpart A [§ 622.1 - § 622.50]

§ 622.3 - Appearance and practice.

(a) Appearance before the Board or a presiding officer—(1) By nonattorneys. An individual may appear in his or her own behalf; a member of a partnership may represent the partnership; a duly authorized officer or other agent of a corporation, trust association or other entity not specifically listed herein may represent the corporation, trust association, or other entity; and a duly authorized officer or employee of any government unit, agency or authority may represent that unit, agency or authority. Any person appearing in a representative capacity shall file a written notice of appearance with the Board which shall contain evidence of his or her authority to act in such capacity.

(2) By attorneys. A party may be represented by an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of any State, possession, territory, Commonwealth or the District of Columbia, and who has not been suspended or debarred from practice before the FCA in accordance with the provisions of part 623 of this chapter. Prior to appearing, an attorney representing a person in a proceeding shall file a written notice of appearance with the Board, which shall contain a declaration that he or she is currently qualified as provided by paragraph (a)(2) of this section and is authorized to represent the party on whose behalf he or she acts.

(3) Representation of multiple interests. A person shall not represent more than one party without informing each party of any actual or potential conflict of interest that may be involved in such representation. Such person shall file a statement with the Board indicating that such disclosure has been made. The presiding officer has authority to take protective measures at any stage of a proceeding, including the authority to prohibit multiple representation when deemed appropriate.

(b) Summary suspension. Dilatory, obstructionist, egregious, contemptuous, contumacious, or other unethical or improper conduct at any proceeding before the Board or a presiding officer shall be grounds for exclusion therefrom and suspension for the duration of the proceeding, or other appropriate action by the Board or presiding officer.