View all text of Subpart A [§ 622.1 - § 622.50]

§ 622.10 - Depositions.

(a) Application to take deposition. Any party desiring to take the deposition of any person shall make written application to the presiding officer setting forth the name and address of the witness, the subject matter concerning which the witness is expected to testify, its relevance, the time and place of the deposition, and the reasons why such deposition should be taken. The application may include a request that specified documents be produced at the deposition. A copy of the application shall be served on the other parties at the same time the application is filed with the presiding officer.

(b) Subpoena; notice to other parties. Upon a showing that the testimony or other evidence sought will be material, and the taking of the deposition will not result in any undue burden to the witness or any party or undue delay of the proceedings, the presiding officer may issue a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum. Notice of the issuance of such subpoena shall be served upon all parties at least 10 days in advance of the date set for deposition.

(c) Deposition by notice. The requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section may be waived by agreement of the parties and the witness whose testimony or documentary evidence is sought. Such agreement shall be embodied in a stipulation which becomes part of the record and may provide for the taking of depositions upon notice without leave of the presiding officer.

(d) Procedure on deposition. Depositions may be taken before any person having the power to administer oaths. Each witness whose testimony is taken by deposition shall be duly sworn before any question is propounded. Examination and cross-examination of deponents may proceed as permitted at the hearing. Objections to questions or documents shall be in short form, stating the grounds relief upon for the objection. Failure to object to questions or evidence is deemed a waiver if the ground of the objection is one which might have been obviated or removed if presented at that time. The questions propounded and the answers thereto, together with all objections made (but not including argument or debate) shall be recorded by or under the direction of the person before whom the deposition is taken. The deposition shall be signed by the witness, unless the parties by stipulation waive the signing or the witness is physically unable to sign, cannot be found, or refuses to sign. The deposition shall also be certified as a true and complete transcript by the person recording the testimony. If the deposition is not signed by the witness, the person recording the testimony shall state this fact and the reason therefor on the record. The person before whom the deposition is taken shall promptly file the transcript and all exhibits with the presiding officer. Interested parties shall make their own arrangements with the person recording the testimony for copies of the testimony and exhibits.

(e) Introduction as evidence. Subject to appropriate rulings by the presiding officer on such objections and answers as were noted at the time the deposition was taken or as would be valid were the witness personally present and testifying at the hearing, the deposition or any part thereof may be received in evidence by the presiding officer in his or her discretion. Only such part of a deposition as is received in evidence at a hearing shall constitute a part of the record upon which a decision may be based.

(f) Payment of fees. Deponents whose depositions are taken and the reporter taking the same shall be entitled to the same fees as are paid for like services in the district courts of the United States, which fees shall be paid by the party upon whose application the deposition is taken.